Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, April 26, 2023

Seth Bradford, 43 Boys Baseball Club, was our speaker today

Presiding – Chris Plack

Greeters – Amu Rowe & Kyrie Maierle

Attendance – 69

Invocation – David Benning

Guests – Patty Donkers


  • Triathlon – There are 105 registrations at this time, more than double the sign up over last year, we have $7,500 in sponsorship at this time
  • Car Show – Sponsorships are now available, Club trophy sponsorships are $25, Car Show is May 21, 2023
  • Golf outing – September 2023
David Benning and Jim Smith were our birthday boys today, the birthday song was a “Swedish” version

Birthdays – Jim Smith & David Benning

50-50 – $36 to Jeff Owens

Lester Pierce was asked a question about the history of baseball

Sergeants – The sergeants harassed members with questions about the history of baseball. Scott Wiley was our Sergeant Intern for the day.

Program – Seth Bradford originator of “43 Boys Baseball Club” saw a need for competitive baseball for young people 9-13 years old that live in County #43, Kosciusko County. 43 Boys Baseball Club foundation is built upon the principles that:

Players Play. Coaches Coach. Parents Cheer.

43 Baseball also expects that the following is embraced by ALL:

  • Team-first mentality
  • Accept whatever role you are asked to play
  • Accept the outcomes

Seth quoted the “Matheny Manifesto” which says, in part:

I always said that the only team that I would coach would be a team of orphans,
and now here we are. The reason for me saying this is that I have found the biggest
problem with youth sports has been the parents.