Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, April 19, 2023

Bill Dittmer, Music Encounters,

was our speaker today

Presiding – Chris Plack

Greeter – David Taylor

Invocation – Chris Plack

Attendance – 66


  • Bill Cook, Noon Optimist, was here to sell flowers for Administrative Assistant day, $18.00 for 3 roses, $15.00 3 carnations. Flowers will be delivered next Wednesday
  • Jim Smith, directed the election, ballots were distributed and members voted for various board offices
  • Car Show – May 21 need members to sign up to help with the event
  • Golf Outing – Todd Davis outlined the plans for the Golf Outing, September 12, 2023 we need sponsorships or to put together a team to play. Last year earned close to $14,000 last year
  • Mickey Smethers is still recovering and residing @ Peabody room 112, would appreciate a visit, he hopes to be home by the end of Summer

Happy Birthday to Paul Finley

Happy Birthday – Paul Finley

50-50 – $33.50 to Evert Nifong

Joe Thallemer was our

Sergeant “Intern” for the morning

Sergeants – Joe Thallemer was “selected” as sergeant Intern for the day.

Election Results

  • President Elect – Paul Finley
  • Vice Presidents – Darren Mairerle & Lester Pierce
  • Board – Brittony Lyon, Angie Tom, Shari Benyouski, Andy Swihart

Program – Bill Dittlinger, Music Encounters, was our speaker today. Bill states, “I started Music Encounters because of my love for music, and what it has done for me personally throughout my life.” I began to offer lessons to children of acquaintances in the community and realized the positive impact it was having on their lives as well. From there, I formed an entire team devoted to offering a positive and encouraging learning atmosphere for any generation. 

At Music Encounters (ME), we teach musical instruments. We want our students to become proficient, and we have amazing teachers that can help them get there. We teach things like piano, voice, and guitar, to name a few.

Although we want you to develop musically, what’s most important to us is that you become the very best version of yourself. We do this by walking side by side with you. We want you to figure out who you want to be and where you want to take this journey while you’re here with us.

We open our doors to everyone – from the retired person, finally taking the time to learn that instrument they’ve always wanted to learn, to the child struggling to focus in school.

One thing’s for sure: We’ve got something special here, and we know once you walk through our doors, you’ll agree.