W E D N E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 9 , 2 0 0 5

• • • I N F O R M A T I O N • • •
Seventy and three Optimists were present for today’s meeting.
Guests Ron Chambers, Brian Leverett, Clete Leverett, and
Jeff Long from the Philippines were introduced. Door greeters
for the morning were Jane Greene and Past President Jack
Jarecki, and the invocation was offered by Ed Nordstrom.
The “Birthdayees” for this week are Pete Bissell, Jennifer
Brumfield, Bill Hilliard, K.T. Kishan, Matt Johnson, and
Bruce Woodward. Song Leader Phil Eherenman had some
difficulty “extracting” the proper song.
Past President Denny Andrews urged Optimists to bring their
cans for the food drive next week. Bring at least a flat, or better
yet two flats, of cans or boxed food. The goal is as many as possible
over 1,000 individual items.
Congratulations to Carmen and Milford Lock on their Fiftieth
Wedding Anniversary.
President Mary Ellen Jordan asked for special recognition of
vets, asking them to stand for applause.
BOBIK pins were distributed and if not worn, a fine was collected.
The pin gives the message “Bring Out the Best in Kids.”
Immediate Past President Ron Donkers provided opportunity
for members to sign up for the time they wish to sell Christmas
trees. He announced the date for setting the lot in order on
Saturday, November 19, and Thanksgiving morning, November
24 at 7:00 a.m. to unload just over 600 trees.
An e-mail came from Past Distinguished President Marlyn
Fish (1981-82), who lives in Wooster, OH. He is barbering there.
He and his wife, Sharon, were through Warsaw last week.
President Jordan received a collection of money in memory of
Pinky Eherenman which will go to the Optimist International
Foundation. The total will be given in next week’s “Optibullette.”
Also, the November Board meeting will be held at Katering
Kitchen on Monday, November 14, beginning at 7:00 p.m.
New Member Chairman Luke Becknell stated the current
standings of the teams:Team 1 – 2 points;Team 2 – 3, and Team
3 – 1. He gave the first reading of Jon Lippe’s application, who
is being sponsored by Past Distinguished President David
Chairlady Angie Tom informed the Club the time for placing the
Santa House is Wednesday, November 23, 4:30 p.m. at the KMart/
Hallmark Store. Questions will be answered by Angie at
267-8781. Jim Reeve distributed sheets for volunteers to enter
their names when they can work.
Jim Reeve presented the scrapbook he prepared to Immediate
Past President Ron Donkers. It will be on display for several
weeks at the meetings.
Membership: 10/01/05:132
President Jordan shared a thank you note from Mary Etienne
for our sponsoring the “Floyd Hollar Art in the Park.”
Please pray for our Troops and Their Families:
R.J. Blackwell (Marines Recon)
Chaplains: Capt. Bill Graham (Army-deployed to Iraq)
Major Mark Penfold (Army)
Major James Schaefer (Army)
Capt. Jeff Wirick (Army-Special Troops)
NOTE: There are at least two persons known within the Club’s
membership involved in classified operations. Their names may
not be revealed, but they are known to the Lord when you pray
for them anonymously.
Sgts. at Arms Bob Morrison, Jeff Owens, Jason Rich and
Sam Whitaker were primed for many fines. President Jordan
gave Jeff his bank money transfer used in the drive-up in
exchange for a $1 fine. Morrison fined everyone who did not
thank Brian Leverett for serving in the Navy, or who may not
attend a Veterans Day ceremony.
November 16 Mayor Ernie Wiggins – City of Warsaw
• • • I N S T R U C T I O N • • •
Program Chairlady Pat Donkers presented Craig Allebach,
Town Coordinator and Jerry Clevenger, Council member for an
update on the Town of Winona Lake. Speaking first, Clevenger
expressed sincere gratitude for what Grace College is doing at
the former Gatke brownfield at a cost of $700,000. This is in
preparation for the construction of the Orthopedic Capital
Center. Allebach followed with comments of the need for a
three lane road to provide access and exit to the Center. The
brownfield will provide a four to five acre parking lot. The 250
East project has encountered numerous problems which have
delayed the work for six years. An interesting issue is that the
federal government requires one acre or wetland to replace the
quarter acre being removed. Seventy-one parcels of land
means negotiating with all owners. It is hoped that it will be done
starting in the spring of 2006. Comments were given on the
Lake City Greenway and Senior Center. He gave suitable recognition
to the Winona Restoration Co. which has spent
$25,000,000 already.
• • • I N S P I R A T I O N • • •
“The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier
who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars
of war.”
— General of the Army Douglas MacArthur