W E D N E S D A Y , M A R C H 2 9 , 2 0 0 6

• • • I N F O R M A T I O N • • •
Sixty-four Optimists joined together for the last meeting in
March. Guests Mitch Adler and Robert Anderson (Ken’s son)
were introduced. Greetings at the door were administered by
Sam Whitaker and State Representative Dave Wolkins.
The “Students of the Week” were identified by Jennifer
Brumfield by a citation read for each one after which each
received a framed certificate marking the occasion. The students’
parents were asked to stand when the student’s name
was announced. This week’s students and parents are: Katie
Logan (Mary Shelton); Josh Bloom (Connie); Megan Stamm
(Scott & Robin); Sam Smyth (JoElla); Alex Hall (J. Mark &
Angel); Kelly Rockey (Lisa); Casey Cretcher (Steve & Gale);
and Mollie Rico (Tim & Itanya Coon).
Immediate Past President Ron Donkers provided a video clip
from CBS News of the seventeen year old autistic high school
student, Jason McElwain, who, when sent in to the team’s last
game, scored twenty points in four minutes. Six of his shots
were three pointers. He was the team’s manager and did almost
everything all year except play until this moment.
Spring Break Skate Chairman Art Gadstatter gave the final
details of the event which begins Friday, March 31 for twelve sessions.
Tickets have been prepared by David Didier at Instant
Copy and have been distributed.
Phil Eherenman reported that 136 entrants have been signed
up for the June, 2006 Triathlon. He also explained the 2006
Lakeland Concert series. He presented a $50 check which the
“Optimist Singers” received for their concert given at the
Syracuse Lions Club Senior Citizens event last evening.
Bill Dalton called attention to the success of the Kosciusko
County Special Olympics Basketball Team, the Panthers, who
were State Champions last weekend.
Please pray for our Troops and their Families:
Chaplain Mark N. Awdykowyz (Army)
Dwight Kohler (Army)
Brian Leverett (Navy)
Jessica Meier (Army)
SSgt Ryan Middleton (Air Force)
NOTE: Rob Bechtel (USMC) was repairing an electrical box in
Haditha, Iraq when it exploded in his face. He was quickly transported
to the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, the
premier burn unit in our nation. He has many second and third
degree burns. Please add him to your prayer list.
SECOND NOTE: LCPL Chris Foreman is on his way home
from Iraq. Pray for his safe return. He is Past Distinguished
President Mike Foreman’s grandson.
Membership: 10/01/05:132
Sgt. at Arms Jeff Owens, Jason Rich, and Sam Whitaker
assumed their role. It seemed that the Sgts. had not done their
homework because they asked all Optimists who would not be
at the meeting next week to stand, pay their dollars as they
would be unable to do so next week. Also, Sgt. Jeff asked
President Mary Ellen Jordan when the meeting was to begin.
She replied 7:00 a.m. He stated that today’s meeting began at
7:05, so that is why the Sgts. at Arms’ report was shortened.
April 5 Angi Remker – Howe Military School
April 12 Mike Yocum – Wagon Wheel Theatre
• • • I N S T R U C T I O N • • •
Nancy Boston introduced Mitch Adler, the new pro-tennis
coach at the YMCA Center, formerly the Warsaw Racquet Club.
The speaker and his family recently moved from Virginia Beach.
Boston mentioned the several pro championships Adler has
earned. He expressed concern over the trend of kids dropping
out of athletics and spending too much time in front of the TV.
More and more attention is focusing on the growing problem of
obesity in the younger age group. The tennis program is starting
with three and four ages. The speaker contended that tennis is
for a lifetime. He expressed the opinion that “active bodies make
active minds.” There are school systems dropping some athletic
programs because of a financial crunch. He will be initiating
efforts to move out into the Community this summer to excite an
interest in his sport. More than fifty kids are already signed up
for instruction. He concluded his presentation with some amusing
comments dealing with his family making the trip to Warsaw.
• • • I N S P I R A T I O N • • •
Today I will live one day only and not try to solve the whole
problem of life at once.
Today I will be unafraid of life and death but enjoy the beautiful
and be happy.
Today I will have a plan even though I may not follow it exactly.
It will save me from worry, hurry and indecision.
Today I will adjust myself to what is and not try to make
everything over to suit me. If I cannot have what I like, I will try
to like what I have.
Today I will be agreeable, cheerful, charitable, praise people for
what they do and not criticize for what they cannot do. I will try
to regulate or improve only myself.
Today I will look about with fresh eyes and discover that I can
get out of life all that I put into it.
Today I will find a little time to relax and to think about God
Today is yours. God has given it to you. All your yesterdays
He has taken back. All your tomorrows He’s holding out of
your reach. Only today is yours. Use it so that at its close you
can say, I have lived and loved today.
Provided by Bill Dalton Ъ