W E D N E S D A Y , M A R C H 2 2 , 2 0 0 6
• • • I N F O R M A T I O N • • •
The attendance of Optimists was the same as last week. In
case you do not remember, the number is sixty-seven. Guests
Troy Akers and Dave Anson were introduced. Greetings at the
door were administered by K.T. Kishan and David Meier, while
the morning prayer was offered by Ed Nordstrom.
The “Birthdayees” for this week belong to Past Distinguished
President Mike Foreman, Marvin Miller, Tom Ray, and Kyle
Tom. Song Leader Bill Landrigan had the privilege of doing
the honors.
“Students of the Week” were introduced with a citation and
given a framed certificate by Troy Akers and Dave Anson. As
their names were announced, their parents were asked to stand.
The following students were recognized: Josh Bowser (Stan &
Andrea), Danielle Jarrett (Ed & Kelly), Maria Guaracha (Maria
Trevino), Noe Saldivar (Leandra), Laura McNulty (Don &
Helene), Tania Gomez (Jose & Aura), Robin Losey (Keith
Losey & Kristine Hoppus), and Deon Shafer (Randall & Darla).
New Member Chairman Luke Becknell gave the second reading
of Mark Skibowski’s application. His sponsor is Bill
Chairman Art Gakstatter provided details for the 2006 Spring
Break Skate which is free to students in local schools including
homeschoolers. The dates will be from Friday, March 31 through
Saturday, April 8. Tickets will be provided and distributed. There
will be twelve skating sessions.
Immediate Past President Ron Donkers is Chairman of the
election committee which is preparing the ballot. Members are
asked to submit their names for a spot. There are positions for
president-elect, two vice presidents, and four board of directors.
All former presidents comprise the election committee.
Triathlon Chairman Phil Eherenman provided sign-up sheets
on the tables for members to offer to serve as chairpersons for
the 2006 Triathlon.
Fred Nieter announced that the Kosciusko County Foundation
has awarded a $5,000 gift for the Safe Assured Program.
Gratitude is expressed to Fred and his committee for their tireless
Congratulations to Roberta and Larry Tucker celebrating their
fiftieth wedding anniversary on Saturday, March 25. Someone
asked him what he was going to give his wife on Saturday. He
replied that for their twenty-fifth one he took her to Florida and
now for this one he is going to Florida to get her!
Membership: 10/01/05:132
Please pray for our Troops and their Families:
R.J. Blackwell (Marines-Recon)
Brad Green (Army-Iraq)
Bill Lovelace (Marines-Recon)
Dan McNulty (Marines Recon)
Sgt. at Arms Jason Rich, Jeff Owens, and Sam Whitaker collected
a few fines thus fulfilling their responsibility. Sgt. Sam had
a couple of “bare” ones, collecting from Jerry Clevenger, who
appeared on the radio topless; and trying to determine whether
Nancy Boston or Phil Eherenman appeared “naked.”
March 29………..Mitch Adler – Tennis Pro, YMCA Tennis Center
• • • I N S T R U C T I O N • • •
Program Chairlady Pat Donkers presented Representative
David Wolkins to share a few highlights from the 2006 Indiana
legislative session. This was supposed to be the short session,
but more than 1,000 bills were introduced. First, the speaker
spoke on the eminent domain. The focus has moved from public
use to public good. The bill which was finally passed provides
some safeguards and proper compensation to the original
owner. In the matter with regard to the toll road, Wolkins was
amazed at the misinformation which was generated. He spent
many hours on the phone in his attempt to clear up the confusion.
He mentioned briefly the more common sense approach
to fireworks and the control exercised on sexual predators.
• • • I N S P I R A T I O N • • •
“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”
Yogi Berra, Hall of Fame Baseball player in his address to the
graduates of Montclair State University upon receiving an
Honorary Doctorate of Humanities
“One nice thing about telling a clean joke is there’s a good
chance that no on has heard it before.”
— Selected