W E D N E S D A Y , M A R C H 1 5 , 2 0 0 6

• • • I N F O R M A T I O N • • •
Sixty-seven Optimists attended the Club meeting at the
Westminster Hall dining room. There were five (5) Optimist
guests. Jon Lippe introduced his guests: Dave Anson and
Steve Ferber. Max Mock introduced his son, Evan. Viet
Ngvyen was a guest from the Octagon Club. Mark Skibowski
was the guest of Jeff Owns and Bill Lawrence.
Door Greeters were Bill Dalton, member since January 1, 1990
and Nancy Boston, member since September 15, 2004.
Invocation was offered by Gary Tanner. Remembered were
Ken Anderson at the death of his father; Wayne Snider, who
has been very ill with the flu for two weeks; Bob Sandy, who is
at the Veterans Hospital in Fort Wayne for tests. Pledge of
Allegiance was given to the flag of the United States of America
and reciting of the Optimist Creed followed.
Birthdays were celebrated for John Crum, Vicki Robinson,
Ron Henry and Jane Green.
Students of the Week were from Warsaw High School. There
were eight (8) students. Mr. Ferber, Assistant Principal and Mr.
Anson, Assistant Principal presented certificates to each student;
the parents were introduced; and, a group photo was
taken. This weeks Student of the Week included: Sarah
Goshert; Kyrie Maierle; Erica Zuniga; Dugan Julian; Jordan
Polk; Katie Logan; Elizabeth Crim; and, Carrie Hurd.
Membership Committee: Bill Lawrence reported that the Club
received an application from Mark Skibowski this morning.
Oratorical Contest Recap: Jeff Owens and Erin Rowland
received much praise for the outstanding work for this year’s
Oratorical Contest. A record number contestants, great sponsors
and super speeches were enjoyed by all who attended.
Way to Go!!
Community Quiz Bowl: George Brennan gave a report on the
success of the entrants from the Optimist Club. “The reason we
didn’t get first or second place was that many Club members
were on team competing with the rest of us,” George said. They
got all the high honors.
Election of New Officers: Immediate Past President Ron
Donkers chairs the nominating committee for next year’s officers.
There work has to be completed by May. The nominating
committee is made up of all the Past Presidents.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Jeff Owens, Bob Morrison, Sam Whitaker
and Jason Rich are out to snatch dollars from un-suspecting
members. The ever keen eyes of Optometrist Jason Rich are
no match for a small barely noticeable label stuck to the trousers
of Jim Reeve; that cost him a dollar! Other infractions included
“slips of the tongue,” “absent mindfulness,” and “newsworthy
items.” The funds all go to help kids!
Membership: 10/01/05:132
• • • I N S T R U C T I O N • • •
Small Claims Court: Judge Joe Sutton, Club member since
June 20, 2001, was today’s presenter. Pat Donkers introduced
Joe offering a snap-shot of the Sutton’s rich background. Joe
Sutton, his wife Mary and two of their three daughters have
degrees in secondary education. Joe returned to school and
completed his law degree from Indiana University. His employment
background includes: trust department in LCB, Kosciusko
County Prosecutor and Superior Court No. 3 Judge. The
Honorable Joe V. Sutton, Judge, commenced his term on
January 1, 1997.where he is in charge of the Small Claims Court
among other duties. Judge Sutton presented each member
with a manual on the Small Claims Court. Sutton offered highlights
of the manual as pertaining to representation, corporations,
rights to jury trials, settlements, continuances, burden of
proof, judgments, appeals and what all landlords and tenants
should legally know about small claims.
• • • I N S P I R A T I O N • • •
Optimist International is proud to announce its first Friend of
Optimists. Joel Barker, an internationally known futurist, signed
up as a Friend of Optimists, the newest class of Optimist membership,
on October 5, just days after the program began. Joel
Barker may be a familiar name to many Optimists. Barker has
developed a series of leadership videos, including “The New
Business of Paradigms,” and is scheduled to be the keynote
speaker at the 2006 Optimist International Convention in
Nashville, Tennessee. Barker is known for having clear visions of
future trends for communities and businesses and has a number
of ideas to keep pushing Optimist International forward. Because
of his enthusiasm for what Optimist International stands for,
Barker wanted to be the first to take advantage of the Friend of
Optimists membership opportunity.