W E D N E S D A Y , M A R C H 1 , 2 0 0 6

• • • I N F O R M A T I O N • • •
Sixty-three Optimists found their places at the Westminster
Hall dining room. Terry Aukeman, Carmen Flores, Kyle
Marose (Kevin’s son), and Nate Taylor were introduced as
guests. Door greeters for the meeting were Past Distinguished
President John Elliott and Vicki Robinson, and the morning
prayer was given by Ed Nordstrom.
Two “Birthdayees” for this week are Mark Caruso and Pat
Donkers. Song Leader Phil Eherenman provided a unique
sound for the traditional song.
Please continue to keep Chubb and Mary Smith in your
Erin Rowland reminded the Optimists of the oratorical contest
which will be held Friday, March 3 at 7:00 p.m. at Zimmer World
Headquarters, 345 East Main St., Warsaw. Optimists, who are
assisting, need to be present by 6:00 p.m.
President-elect George Brennan requested more assistants
for the Quiz Bowl.
The “Students of the Week” from Lakeland Christian Academy
were announced by Carmen Flores when she read the citation.
Jon Lippe gave the certificates to each one, marking the occasion.
Parents of each student were asked to stand when their
child was announced: Brian Blocher (Barry & Kathy), Jamie
Duchane (Kim & Rita), Katie Harris (Mark & Lisa), Sarah
Herendeen (David & Debra), Keely King (Jeff & Kimberly),
Kensey Nieveen (Scott & Julie), Katelyn Schneider (David &
Carrie), and Katelyn Witte (Timothy & Lois).
Lt. Gov. Ron Donkers presented the awards for our Club which
were given at the second quarterly meeting: Treasurer Jennifer
Dorman and Secretary Jason Rich each received the John
Harrington Award and honor club status as well. All of their
reports were submitted accurately and on time. The Club also
achieved honor status under the leadership of Immediate Past
President Donkers. Two other recognitions were received, winner
in the achievements and awards category and first place in
the bulletin contest. The District has fifty-five clubs. Your reporter
wishes to give appropriate credit to three ladies who perform the
final steps, Alice Koontz and two at Instant Copy, Kay Andrews
and Amanda Letsch.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Chaplains: Lt. Com. Jack Galle (Navy)
Capt. Ralph Molyneux (Air Force)
Com. Dayne Nix (Navy)
Col. Ken Townsend (Air Force).
Membership: 10/01/05:132
The Sgts. at Arms report was a little brief because Jason Rich
was the only one who reported for duty. In addition to the usual
fines, Martin Becker made a happy contribution for two new
grandchildren. Pat Donkers plans to take Judge Joe Sutton to
the small claims court because he was not ready for his program
with the same title. She thought a $5 fine would be sufficient.
March 8 – Goodwill Industries
• • • I N S T R U C T I O N • • •
Program Chairlady Pat Donkers presented Loren and Linda
Sims to share their experiences with Elderhostel. This program
began in Boston in 1975 and now has over 9,000 programs
annually. The opportunities are available in all fifty states and
ninety countries. Over 1,000,000 have now participated.
Anyone fifty-five or older may belong. There is no charge to join.
The Sims have been attending classes since 1997 and have visited
in locations in almost ten states. They are especially interested
in nature and enjoy being in the outdoors and seeing the
great variety of life. One of the classes they enjoyed provided
experiences in all kinds of music. The speakers stress that
everyone who attends has a great desire to learn. All who provide
instruction are college professors or professionals in their
fields. The classes are usually small and the days of instruction
are full. The Sims provided many types of materials and catalogs
to expand their listeners’ knowledge of the Elderhostel
• • • I N S P I R A T I O N • • •
“A primary school in Japan is testing a system to improve the
security of students and also give their parents peace of mind. A
radio frequency identification tag carried by each student sends
a signal to receivers at school gates, and a computer shows
when each student enters or leaves. The system can automatically
send an e-mail to notify parents that their children have
arrived at school or left for home. In cities where children often
commute long distances to school, the system has received high
marks from parents, and the kids think it’s cool.”
— David McCasland