W E D N E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 5 , 2 0 0 4
• • • R E P O R T • • •
One and sixty Optimists shared in the meeting this morning
and welcomed several guests: Sally DeWald, David and
June Hook, and Carol Rogers. Door greeting privileges
were granted to First Lady Pat Donkers and JoElla Smyth,
while the invocation was offered by Ed Nordstrom.
One “Birthdayee” for this week recognized Joe Sutton.
Song Leader Phil Eherenman tried to extract a good birthday
song from the Club. Judge Sutton received a birthday
present which was presented by President Ron Donkers. It
was a leftover item from the gift auction held last week, in the
form of decades old book on Indiana statutes.
We wish to extend our sympathy to Noel Hoke whose mother
passed away last week.
The first group of “Students of the Week” was recognized by
Skip Smeltzer and JoElla Smyth. As they were identified, a
citation was given by Smyth and a certificate by Smeltzer.
Parents were asked to stand as their daughter or son came
to the front. This group is from Edgewood Middle School:
Kyle Allison (Dennis & Joanna Allison), Shawn Bianchini
(Scott & Carol Bianchini), Nicole Clark (Annette Clark),
Chelsea Domiano (Richele Domiano), Rebekah Kolbe
(David & Kathy Kolbe), David Lasseter (Dean & Joyce
Lasseter), Caitie Simpson (Steve & Christi Berg), and Erica
Tidwell (Sonja Decker).
Phil Eherenman has given the “Optimist Singers” a few
weeks rest. They will not begin practicing until Wednesday,
February 2 at 6 a.m.
President Ron Donkers announced the January Board
meeting is to be held on Monday, January 10 at the Shrine
Building, beginning at 7 p.m.
Immediate Past President James Nesbitt gave the final
report on the Christmas tree project. A total of 411 trees were
sold and the profit to the Club is $4,441. Special thanks to all
who served their time and particularly to those who supervised
the effort!
President Donkers asked for two volunteers who will oversee a
field trip to the Kruse Foundation World War II Museum in August.
The essay contest will be chaired by Bill Dalton, who asked
for some assistance from a couple of others.
Remember in prayer Joe Wilkey, Founder and Director of
World Compassion Network, who is now in Sri Lanka. He will
return on Sunday, January 9 after making an assessment of
the direst needs. Pray for his strength and that he will be able
to cope with the devastation, death and the weakened condition
of the survivors, and for wisdom to discern what he and
others working with him can best do.
Membership: 09/30/04:129
Please pray for our Troops and Their Families:
Kelly Dodds (Army-Kuwait)
Adam Hudson (Army-Iraq 2nd tour)
Jimmy Ray (Air Force)
Mackenzie Sheets (Army-Iraq)
Justin Stiver (Navy)
Rapheal Valencia (Army-Iraq 2nd tour)
Joe Woodling (Marines-Afghanistan)
Sgts. Steve Hollar and Joe Thallemer, among other fines,
asked K.T. Kishan to come to the front and proceeded to
place a covering on his head to simulate getting ready for surgery
like his picture on the new KCH billboards. They recognized,
without a fine, Coach Jim Kessler’s 500th win in the
victory last evening at Spring Arbor. Coach received a standing
ovation from the Club!
January 12 . . .Junior Achievement
January 19 . . .Dan Coplen – Kosciusko County Historical Society
• • • R E P A S T • • •
Bill Dalton, Program Chairman, introduced Sally DeWald to
tell of the Hands of Hope which is engaged in various medical
and surgical ministries in Guatemala. She described the
country as “absolutely beautiful” with its great variety of
topography and vegetation. Over 70% of the people work in
agriculture with a good day providing them with $3. The
Hands of Hope International is a faith-based mission. In the
case of the speaker’s experience, she spends a month there
and the rest of the year here. Over the last five years over
9,600 patients have been treated for various conditions. The
speaker related several situations to illustrate how difficult it
is to encourage the people to accept treatment and understand
that help is available. There is so much fear because
there is no frame of reference for them to evaluate what is
offered. Translation is required because of the Spanish
speaking nation, but also because of dialects. Dewald concluded
by asking her listeners to consider being a volunteer.
• • • R E F L E C T I O N • • •
Do you know why the membership at health clubs skyrockets
around the first of the year? You guessed it – people make New
Year’s resolutions. There is nothing wrong with these resolutions,
but they rarely stick. Somehow we hope the New Year will
elicit better results than the old one simply because it is new! Do
you want to know the truth? Resolutions rarely last past March!
1. Seek God’s guidance and help.
2. Set specific goals that are reasonable.
3. Don’t expect immediate results. Be patient with yourself.
4. Be consistent.
5. Solicit help from godly friends or professionals.
Keep track of your progress.
6. Expect that you will have setbacks, and don’t let these discourage you.