W E D N E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 2 6 , 2 0 0 5
• • • R E P O R T • • •
Seventy-two Optimists attended and approximately the
same number of guests with the “Students of the Week” and
Tri-Star first place winners with the parents of both groups.
Thomas Balestri, Jon Clevenger (Jerry’s son), Carol
Rogers, Justin Schroeder (Past Distinguished President
Ot’s son), and Matt Smith. Door greeting honors were
accorded to Blake Miller and Sue Studebaker, and the
morning prayer was given by Ed Nordstrom.
Two “Birthdayees” were not present. They are Roger
Crouse and Steve McGlothin. There was no opportunity to
practice the appropriate song, and some feel we have need
of practice.
Past President Denny Andrews had successful surgery
yesterday at the Elkhart Hospital and is home now recuperating.
He thanks you for your prayers and asks that you continue
to pray for his recovery.
Phil Eherenman issued a reminder to the “Optimist Singers”
that rehearsals begin next week on Groundhog Day,
February 2 at 6:00 p.m.
President Ron Donkers shared a thank you note from Jane
Greene for the $500 given to the Cardinal Center’s Healthy
Families program.
President Jon Clevenger gave an extensive report on the
activities of the Octagon Club at Warsaw Community High
School. They have been active in the Jefferson School after
school homework, Santa House, cotton candy sales, assisted
in unloading the Christmas trees, the “Community Blitz,”
and the annual Optimist car wash. The Club meets the second
and fourth Friday each month at the high school, with
about thirty students involved.
Tri-Star Chairman Steve Hollar announced the first place
winners of the competition held last Sunday. He expressed
gratitude to Rob Reneker for providing the trophies, George
Brennan and Art Gakstatter for securing the boards, and
the free use of the Grace gym. They had to break into the
Optimist trailer. President Donkers suggested that Sam
Whitaker, a detective in the Sheriff’s Department, should
investigate this “criminal act.”
The Tri-Star winners were: Ashley Ousley, Nicole Grose,
Cagney Craig, Steven Reinholt, Chainey Zolman, Brady
Ousley, Tim Ahlersmeyer, Tara Akers, Zack Linky, Brock
Davis, Courtney Stetzel, and Erika Jansen. They will go to
the regional contest in Columbia City, and if successful, will
advance to Newcastle.
Skip Smeltzer introduced Carmen Flores from Lakeland
Christian Academy, who read the citations for eleven
“Students of the Week.” Skip presented each with a framed
Membership: 09/30/05:129
certificate to mark the occasion. Students were called to the
front and their parents stood to be recognized. They were:
Alyssa Bramlett (Chris & Lisa), Jessica Delp (David &
Carole), Melisse Green (Jeffery & Deborah), Rachel
Hawkins (Catherine), Phil Herbruck (Gary & Teresa),
Melissa Lang (Keith & Lori), Laura Matti (David & Sharon),
Megan McCoomb (Jim & Shannon), Mandy Oaks (Larry &
Paula), Stephanie Sands (Joe & Myra), and Laura Wallen
(Larry & Mary).
New Member Jeff Owens gave the second reading of Carol
Rogers’ application.
President-elect Mary Ellen Jordan began taking reservations
for the Valentine banquet to be held on February 16 at
the Blue Lion Coffee House in Pierceton.
Please pray for our Troops and Their Families:
John Alley (Army-Iraq),
Jonathan Good (Army–Iraq)
Robbie Good (Army-Korea)
Raul Jimenez (Marines)
Gregory Keele (Army-Baghdad)
Bill Lovelace (Marines – President Security).
February 2 Roz Morgan – Our Father’s House
February 9 Rob Reneker – Life Line
February 16 NO MEETING
• • • R E P A S T • • •
Program Chairman Bill Dalton presented David Taylor who
spoke of some of his experiences as a historic reenactor. He
has been involved in this for the past thirty years. Today, he
appeared in an outfit that placed him in the Virginia navy. He
mentioned that in the earlier colonial period the colonies had
their separate navies. He has participated in reenactments
which have been used in movies and on the History Channel.
Three trips have been made to Europe. He described some
of his experiences in France. He spoke of one of his most
memorable experiences occurring in the reenactment of the
Battle of Waterloo. Another not-to-be-forgotten experience
was the Battle of Georgetown in 1781 during the American
• • • R E F L E C T I O N • • •
Horse sense is what keeps horses from betting on what people
will do.
— Raymond Nash