W E D N E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 2 5 , 2 0 0 6
• • • I N F O R M A T I O N • • •
Fifty-nine Optimists made the scene this morning and the following
guests were identified: Darlene Fussle, Ana Juarez,
Cynthia Lozano, and Fanny Nunez. The door greeters for the
occasion were Greg Kralis and Everett Nifong. Bill Lawrence
gave the invocation.
Two “Birthdayees” for this week were not present to hear the
birthday song, namely Roger Crouse and Past President
David Lee.
Past Distinguished President David Haines inducted Erin
Rowland. She was sponsored by David Taylor and is a lawyer
with the Joanne Kolbe law firm. Thanks, Erin, for enabling the
Club to have a more effective ministry with the youth in our community.
Thanks to you, David, for sponsoring her.
Tri-Star Chairman Steve Hollar reminded the Optimists of the
competition booked for Sunday, January 29 at the Grace gym.
Registration is at 1:30 and the event begins at 2:00 p.m. Both
girls and boys, ages eight through thirteen are invited. More
assistants are needed.
George Brennan, Chairman of the Valentine dinner asked for
additional reservations.. The banquet is on the calendar for
Wednesday, February 15, with appetizers from 6-7 and dinner at
7 p.m. The activity is to be held at the Blue Lion in Pierceton. No
Wednesday breakfast meeting that day.
President Mary Ellen Jordan expressed gratitude to Treasurer
Jennifer Dorman for her very efficient service in that position.
The Club shared in expressing gratitude!
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Brad Andrews (Border Patrol-AZ)
Brian Leverett (Navy)
Bill Lovelace (Marines-Recon training)
Jessica Meier (Army)
Col. James Moeller (Air Force).
Sgts. at Arms Bob Morrison, Jeff Owens, Jason Rich, and
Sam Whitaker collected a FEW FINES. Jeff Owens sponsored
a contest involving Jim Bowling, Everett Nifong, Erin Rowland
and Joe Sutton to see who could take a test by naming all of the
nine U.S. Supreme Court justices. Erin was able to achieve 100!
New Member Co-Chairmen Luke Becknell and Bill Lawrence
announced the winning team in the contest just completed.
Team 2 was successful which means that teams 1 and 3 will
have to serve Team 2 members their special breakfast next
Membership: 10/01/05:132
February 1 – Steve Zorn – Child Safety
February 8 – Jim Reeve – The American Circus
• • • I N S T R U C T I O N • • •
Program Chairman George Brennan introduced Darlene
Fussle, Coordinator of the English as Second Language (ESL)
program at the Warsaw Community High School, the Sus
Amigas opportunity. The speaker began this mentoring opportunity
six years ago. One of the handouts she provided showed
the growth of the ESL program. In 1994, there were fifty-five students
enrolled and for the fall 2005, the total is 835. Fussle
expressed appreciation for the recent gift of $300 from the
Optimist Club to cover the cost of pizza at the Opportunity Fair.
The mission statement states that it is the hope that the program
will assist “Latino students to achieve more success in high
school, become involved in the community, and quality for college.”
There are specific conditions for participating in the program:
good attendance record, 7.0 GPA out of 12.0 GPA, necessary
documentation to obtain a work permit, three teacher references,
mentoring program application, and working a minimum
of 10 hours a week. Fussle introduced three students, one
from Grace College, Ana Juarez, and two from WCHS, Cynthia
Lozano and Fanny Nunez to share their experiences as to how
the Sus Amigos program had assisted them to reach a level of
success they could hardly have imagined previously.
• • • I N S P I R A T I O N • • •
Dr. Cliff Arnall, a British psychologist, has developed a formula to
determine the worst day of the year. One factor is the time
elapsed since Christmas, when the holiday glow has given way
to the reality of credit-card bills. Gloomy winter weather, short
days, and the failure to keep New Year’s resolutions are also a
part of Dr. Arnall’s calculations. Last year, January 24 received
the dubious distinction of being “the most depressing day of the
— Selected/*