W E D N E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 1 8 , 2 0 0 6

• • • I N F O R M A T I O N • • •
Seventy minus one recorded the attendance of Optimists present
for the meeting this morning. The following guests were
introduced: Ken Moyer and Erin Rowland. Greetings at the
door were offered by Ken Anderson and Joel Wihebrink. The
morning prayer was given by Craig Nayrocker.
The “Birthdayees” for this week are Ken Anderson, Bill
Dalton, Dan Miles, David Taylor, John Teevan, and Joe
Wilkey. Song Leader Phil Eherenman provided direction.
Eight “Students of the Week” from Edgewood Middle School
were recognized this morning. Jo Ella Smyth read the citation
and President Mary Ellen Jordan presented a framed certificate
marking the occasion. Following is the list of students and
parents: Matt Boggs (Ed & Tammy); Justin Clemens (Gordon &
Dana); Corrine Coon (Michael & Christine); Lucas Denlinger
(Keith & Tamara); Laura Eberhardt (Kurt & Susan); Ally Ferber
(Steve & Tracy); Katrina Lowe (Marcus & Cathy); and Cynthia
Rodriguez (Basilio & Maria).
Past President Bob Jackson inducted Everett Nifong, who
was sponsored by Art Gakstatter. Everett is Vice President in
charge of commercial loans at Lake City Bank and is married to
Bobbi. Thanks, Everett, for becoming an Optimist and assisting
our ministry to our youth.
Congratulations to John Crum for serving with SCORE and
receiving his certificate for fifteen years with that organization.
The Club thanks Angie Tom for purchasing our Digital LCD
projector. It will be put into service next week with pictures of the
students of the week.
George Brennan, Chairman of the Valentine dinner, provided
opportunity to make reservations for the event on Wednesday,
February 15. Appetizers will be offered from 6-7 p.m., with dinner
at 7 p.m. A choice of meats is baked chicken breast or
roasted pork loin. The cost is $22 per person.
“Optimist Singers” Director Phil Eherenman gave a check for
$300 which was received from Dig’s Diner. The Singers have
provided a musical program over fifteen years on Christmas Eve
New Member Chairmen Luke Becknell and Bill Lawrence
shared the report. Luke gave the second reading of Erin
Rowland’s application, sponsored by David Taylor; Bill gave
the team standings: Team 1 – seven; Team 2 – fifteen; and Team
3 – eleven.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Lt. Scott Bailey (Army)
Chris Foreman (Marines-Iraq)
Raul Jimenez (Marines)
Dan McNulty (Marines-Recon)
Matt Miles (Marines-MP).
Membership: 10/01/05:132
Sgts. at Arms Jeff Owens, Bob Morrison, Jason Rich, and
Sam Whitaker moved among the Club collecting fines. One
special fine was assessed on Merl Heckaman, with a photo as
evidence, seated in the Goshen section at a recent Warsaw
Tiger game.
January 25………Darlene Fussle – Sus Amigos
February 1……..Steve Zorn – Child Safety
• • • I N S T R U C T I O N • • •
President Mary Ellen Jordan presented Gary Gerard,
Managing Editor of the Times-Union. After a brief explanation of
Gerard’s philosophy for the newspaper, he responded to
numerous questions. The speaker stated that the Times-Union
focuses on local news because there are so many different
sources with cable FOX and CNN, plus the internet. Gerard
explained why pictures of accidents appear on the front page, in
hopes that they will influence drivers to use more caution in their
driving. The speaker expressed his view on the vitriolic nature of
the political debate which has become evident in recent years,
citing the recent confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee
Sam Alito. Responses to questions, the speaker stated that
circulation is approximately 12,000; advertising is the largest
source of revenue; he is grateful for letters to the editor and
promises to print all of these which conform to the guidelines;
tries to maintain a balance between conservative and liberal
columnists. The speaker was very much surprised when the
response to his question as to whether a morning or evening edition
of the Times-Union was preferred to learn that almost unanimously
the evening edition won.
• • • I N S P I R A T I O N • • •
“The way we see it, if you want the rainbow, you have to put up
with the rain.”
— Have a Good day, January 2006