W E D N E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 1 1 , 2 0 0 6
• • • I N F O R M A T I O N • • •
Fifty-eight Optimists were present at the meeting this morning.
Guests Terry L. Baker, Past President Tony Etienne, Erin
Rowland, and Maria Sprague were introduced. Greetings at
the door were offered by Harry Gigous and Merl Heckaman.
The invocation was given by Secretary Jim Jordan.
Two “Birthdayees” for this week belong to Bill Lawrence and
Past President Juergen Voss. Jim Jordan was pressed into
service since the regular song leaders were not present.
Please keep in your prayers Chubb and Mary Smith, who
have continuing health needs.
The “Optimists Singers” will begin practicing next Wednesday,
January 18 as they prepare for the 2006 season.
Past Distinguished President Max Mock inducted Joel
Wihebrink, who was sponsored by Joe Thallemer. Joel is married
to Heather and is the owner and manager of Wihebrink
Landscape Management. Congratulations to you, Joel, in your
decision to become a part of our Club. We are grateful for your
assistance in our ministry to the youth of our community.
New Member Chairman Bill Lawrence gave the first reading of
Erin Rowland’s application. Contest standings: Team 1 – 7
points; team 2 – 14; and team 3 – 10.
President Mary Ellen Jordan highlighted the minutes of last
Monday’s board meeting. Angie Tom reported that purchase
has been made of an In-Focus Model LP 640 LCD projector and
will be delivered the first of next week; $300 will be given to Sus
Amigos for pizza at the Opportunity Fair for 70 freshman and
sophomore Latino students; and George Brennan will be in
charge of the arrangements for next month’s Valentine social.
President-elect George Brennan announced that the Valentine
banquet will be held on Wednesday, February 15 at the Blue Lion
in Pierceton. Individual cost will be about $20. There will be no
regular meeting that Wednesday.
Tri-Star Chairman Steve Hollar stated the competition will be
held on Sunday, January 29. Sign ups will begin next
Wednesday. Many volunteers are needed for approximately one
and one half hours.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
R.J. Blackwell (Marines-Recon – Iraq)
Charles Brickner (Navy-Okinawa)
Jacob Gilmer (Army-Rangers)
William Kretsch (Air Force-52nd Fighter Wing, Germany)
Pfc. Joseph W. Russell (Marines).
Membership: 10/01/05:132
NOTE: DeLane and Nancy Jackson visited with Capt.
Gregory Keele over the holidays. Capt. Keele wants to thank
the Club for praying for him while he was in Iraq. His greatest
desire when he was deployed was that he would be able to bring
all of his men home safely. The Lord granted this greatest hope!
Sgts. at Arms Robert Morrison, Jeff Owens, Jason Rich, and
Sam Whitaker employed all kinds of “reasons” for assessing
fines. Each table was asked to give a reason for having Merl
Heckaman in the Club. When the suggestions were given, Past
Distinguished President John Elliott issued an apology for
inviting Merl to become a member, not once by twice!
President Jordan asked how many members can remember
when a first class stamp cost two cents since the rate increase
on Sunday was that amount. Bob Morrison asked all to stand
who were able to send letters without stamps, meaning vets from
America’s wars. This provided the Club another opportunity to
thank them for their service with a round of applause.
January 18 – Gary Gerard – Times-Union
January 25 – Loren and Linda Sims – Travels with Elderhostel
• • • I N S T R U C T I O N • • •
Past President Ron Henry took notes on Luke Becknell’s
presentation of the actions leading up to the battle of Saratoga.
Some of the main strategies involved on the side of the Colonists
and British were outlined by the speaker. The British were hoping
to trap the Colonists by bringing Gen. Burgoyne’s troops
down from the north and Gen. Howe’s men from the south. In
the meantime, Benjamin Franklin led a delegation to Canada in
hopes of persuading Canada to join with the Colonists in their
revolt against Britain. The diplomatic mission failed. Becknell
described in detail the naval battle on Lake Champlain. The
Americans were not as experienced as sailors and their ships
not as well built and armed. The end result was that the
Americans had lost heavily. Thus, the stage was set for the battle
of Saratoga. The on-going Becknell saga will be continued
at some future date.
• • • I N S P I R A T I O N • • •
“God was no innocent bystander when this Nation was founded
by His grace.”
Benjamin Franklin