W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 9 , 2 0 0 5

• • • R E P O R T • • •
An even seventy Optimists attended this morning’s meeting.
Several guests were identified: Gene Frye, Belinda Gall (Loran
and Linda Sims’ daughter), James Jarette, and Mark Terrell, who
resides in Fort Wayne. The warm handshakes at the door were
administered by Past President Larry Poyser and William
Rondeau, and the invocation was given by Luke Becknell.
One “Birthdayee” for this week was not present, JoElla Smyth,
so Skip Smeltzer had to stand in for her. The singing of the
birthday song was such that it was good the “Birthdayee” was
not in attendance.
We were pleased to see Past President Dennis Andrews back
with us. Please keep him and Joe Wilkey in your prayers. Joe’s
surgery was more extensive than expected. The period of recuperation
will be longer than planned. He expects to leave for Sri
Lanka on Sunday, February 13.
The Valentine banquet is on the calendar for Wednesday,
February 16 with gathering at 5:30 and dinner at 6:00 p.m. at the
Blue Lion Coffee House in Pierceton.
Sign ups are being taken for the “Fun Raiser” to the American
Heritage Village, Kruse Auto and Carriage Museum, and the
World War II Victory Museum. The date is Saturday, March 5.
Breakfast of coffee and donuts at the Shrine Building will occur
at 8:00 a.m. The cost is $20 which includes breakfast, admission
to both museums and a box lunch.
Bill Dalton reminded the Club that the Essay competition will take
place on Friday, February 11. The theme is “The Power of One.”
Immediate Past President James Nesbitt inducted Carol
Rogers. She was sponsored by Ed Nordstrom and is employed
at Collier’s Heating and Cooling in Warsaw. She lives in
Mentone. Welcome, Carol. We are grateful for your desire to
become a member and assist us in ministering to our youth!
Thanks, Ed, for sponsoring her.
The “Students of the Week” were introduced by Tom Kline
with the reading of a citation for each. As they were recognized,
their parents stood, and the student was presented with a
framed certificate marking the occasion. The students are from
the Lakeview Middle School: Francisco Palos (Martin Palos),
Marco Valencia (Maria Guadapupe Garcia), Jason Brown
(Joann Carr), Victoria Wilson (Bob & Sally Wilson), Chase
Byerly (Sherri Stoller), Luke Holladay (Scott & Becki Holladay),
Tracy Buit (Heidi Buit), Denise Redinger (Linda Redinger),
Katie McNulty (Don & Helene McNulty), James Ignasiak (Karen
Ignasiak), Jessica Smith (Donna Smith), Lawney Francis
(Lawney & Elizabeth Francis), Caitlin Julian (Cord & Lisa
Julian), Preston Baier (Darren & Bambi Baier), Emily Readle
(Dave & Lisa Readle), and Steven Hanson (Tracy Hanson).
Membership: 09/30/05:129
Please pray for our Troops and Their Families:
Chris Foreman (Marines)
Bill Lovelace (Marines-Presidential Security)
Dan McNulty (Marines)
Matt Miles (Marines)
Matthew Zellers (Army-Afghanistan).
The Sgts. at Arms Team was at full strength and each of the
men, Steve Hollar, Blake Miller, and Joe Thallemer came with
the intention of assessing as many fines as possible and they
succeeded. Even President Donkers got hit for sitting between
two pretty ladies at the girls section. It was specifically mentioned
that his wife, Pat, is out of town!
February 16 NO MEETING
February 23 Eric Vosteen
“Native American Education and
Curriculum Development”
• • • R E P A S T • • •
Bill Dalton introduced Mark Terrell, CEO of Lifeline Youth &
Family Services, Inc. The speaker began his presentation by
asking several questions to get the attention of his listeners.
The answers revealed the alarming rate of troubled juveniles
which has become the mission of Lifeline. Some of the significant
milestones were related to demonstrate how this ministry
has tried to keep up with the needs. Lifeline is involved
in a capital fund raiser to combine all of their services on one
campus. It will be located on seventy acres near Pierceton.
Some of the major facilities will be two large group homes, a
state-of-the-art school which will include a gym and recreation
fields. The total of $5,500,000 is to be raised over the
next three years. A sum of $1,500,000 is to be realized from
the sale of current assets. It is hoped that individuals will contribute
over $2,044,000. Terrell fielded several questions as
he closed.
• • • R E F L E C T I O N • • •
“One hundred years from now it will not matter what kind of
car I drove, what kind of a house I lived in, how much I had in
my bank account, not what my clothes looked like. But the
world may be a little better because I was important in the life
of a child.”
– Lifeline brochure