W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 8 , 2 0 0 6
• • • I N F O R M A T I O N • • •
Sixty-seven Optimists gathered around the tables for this
morning’s meeting. One guest joined with them that being Marla
Sprague. Door greeters were Jennifer Brumfield and Mark
Hall. The morning prayer was given by Kevin Weaver.
The “Birthdayees” for this week are David Didier, John
Kirkpatrick, David Meier, Bob Morrison, JoElla Smyth, and Past
Distinguished President Bret Wolf. Song Leader Martin Becker
succeeded in accomplishing beautiful harmony from the Club.
President Mary Ellen Jordan gave this explanation: Bob Morrison
was in full dress in his uniform, complete with his side arm!
Your prayers are most appreciated for Mary Chubb, who has
surgery this morning.
Chairpersons Jeff Owens and Erin Rowland explained the
details regarding this year’s OI oratorical contest. It will be held
on Friday, March 3, at 7:00 p.m. in Zimmer World Headquarters
in Warsaw. Ages up to sixteen years as of December 31. 2005
qualify. Assistance from Optimists is needed for time-keeper,
records, setting up and take down. The theme is “My Future is
Bright Because….” iPods will be given for first, second, and third
places. Sponsors for the competition are Zimmer Rowland,
Times-Union, Kosciusko County Lakes Realty, Instant Copy and
Justin Schroeder, President of the WCHS Octagon Club, introduced
ten members who were with him. Several of the members
described some of the projects in which the Club participated,
such as Katrina relief, the Santa House, etc. They will be sponsoring
a community blitz. The blitz will involve work projects.
Tom Kline introduced today’s “Students of the Week” and read
the citation for each; with Jon Lippe giving each a framed certificate
to mark the occasion. President Jordan mentioned that
the names of each week’s “students” are given to the School
board, to make them aware of those whom the Club honors.
This week’s students are: Kristen Schwenger (George & Julie
Wiegand), Cassie Dishman (Darin & Tammy), Nathaniel West
(Douglas & Kathleen), Lauren Murdock (Sean & Joanne),
Tiffany Tat (John & Tammy Burnau), Brody Reinholt (Brent &
Tracy), Steven Hodges (Chuck), Caitlyn Julian (Cord & Lisa),
Nathan Grantz (Brian & Tamisyn), Devin Knisely (Jeff &
Tamara), and Molly Pyle (Deborah).
A final reminder of the Valentine dinner was given by
President-elect George Brennan to be held on Wednesday
evening, February 15 at the Blue Lion in Pierceton, beginning at
6:00 p.m.
President Jordan stated that the February Board meeting is on
the calendar for Monday, February 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the
Katering Kitchen facilities.
President Jordan expressed gratitude for all of the work
involved and done so well by Jim Hayes on the Club’s web site
Membership: 10/01/05:132
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Dwight Kohler (Army)
Evan Mock (Navy)
Jonathan Penn (Army-tank btl.-Iraq)
Capt. Ryan Plank (Army-Hawaii-Orthopedic surgeon)
Jimmy Ray (Air Force)
Sgts. at Arms Jeff Owens, Jason Rich, and Sam Whitaker collected
fines from Tim Hofer for not wearing his name tag and
Past Distinguished President John Elliott for not having his Ohio
State decal on the tail gate of his truck. Elliott resented having
to pay the assessment because a new decal costs $12.95.
February 22 Martin Becker – T.A.P. Rising
• • • I N S T R U C T I O N • • •
Jim Reeve was called upon to present his program titled “The
American Circus.” He appeared in a handmade ringmaster jacket
which cost him $500. It provided a proper setting for explaining
the duties of the ringmaster. The American circus is over 200
years old. Ringling Brothers is the only circus that still travels by
train. Peru, Indiana became the main hub for the circus because
it is centrally located with an excellent network of railroad lines.
The speaker spoke of the many changes occurring over the
years. At first, the circus traveled by wagon, then trucks and
finally by rail. The term “mud show” came about because of the
churning up of the ground by human and animal feet. Initially
regular rail cars were used, but later special cars were made
which were seventy feet in length. Throughout most of the years
the circus has existed, canvas was used for the material out of
which the big top was made. The solution which was used to
protect the material made it even more inflammable. Now mylar
is used. The year 1954 was the last year for Ringling Brothers
to be outside. It is now performed in large indoor facilities. P.T.
Barnum introduced the three rings: now only one is used. All the
animals are raied in captivity since it is illegal to import wild animals.
Reeve’s conclusion is that the “American circus is alive
and well.”
• • • I N S P I R A T I O N • • •
February 6 is the birthday anniversary of President Ronald
Reagan. Here is one of his thoughts…
“Loyalty, faithfulness, commitment, courage, patriotism, the
ability to distinguish between right and wrong—I hope that these
values are as much a part of your life as any calculus course or
social science study. And so, do remember: Gratitude is a way
to deeper wisdom. Look for that deeper wisdom; believe me,
there’s a hunger for it. And here you’re in luck. As Americans,
you have a special claim on it.”