W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 2 2 , 2 0 0 6g

• • • I N F O R M A T I O N • • •
One under seventy Optimists had their attendance recorded
by Attendance Chairman Don Kenipe. Guest Deb Wulliman
was introduced. Door greetings were offered by Jerry
Clevenger and David Taylor. The morning prayer was given by
Marvin Miller.
One “Birthdayee” for this week belongs to Robert Sandy.
Song Leader Phil Eherenman suggested that in addition to the
traditional song, the Club should sing the army service song in
recognition to Sandy’s service in the Korean conflict where he
served as a forward observer.
The “Students of the Week” were recognized, along with their
parents, by Tom Kline, who read each citation. Jon Lippe presented
the students with a framed certificate marking the occasion.
The students are: Jeremiah Stichter (Roger & Jane),
Hannah Gaisford (Timothy & Luann), Thomas Murphy (Jeffrey
& Lynn), Whitney Long (William & Melissa), Kanchan Rao
(Kavitha & Harish), Alexandra Nichole (Hodges Chuck
Hodges), William Stockdale (David & Beth), Samuel
Richardson (Lon & Joan Clay), Brody Everts (Lyman & Susan
Dawson), Todd Eastis (Colleen), and Zachariah Alber (Mark &
Special prayer is requested for Chubb and Mary Smith, who
are very ill. Mary has been taken to a hospital in Fort Wayne.
Past President Denny Andrews announced an opportunity
members have to contribute to the Anthony Wayne Area Council
Boy Scouts of America fund raiser. The Council covers eleven
counties including Kosciusko.
Congratulations to Noel Hoke, who has completed forty-three
years of teaching and thirty-seven years in coaching.
Jeff Owens explained some of the details for up-coming oratorical
contest. The event will be held at Zimmer World
Headquarters on March 3, beginning at 7:00 p.m. The topic this
year is “My Future Is Bright because….”
Tri-Star Chairman Steve Hollar introduced the winners of the
event: Boys—Evan Bremer (8 yrs. old); Chainey Zolman (9 yrs.
old); Bradley Scherer (10 yrs. old); Tim Ahlersmyer (11 yrs.
old); Brant Davis (12 yrs. old); Brock Davis (13 yrs. old) and
Girls—Courtney Steffensmeirer (8 yrs. old); Abby Schue (9
yrs. old); Nicole Grose (10 yrs. old); Meredith Hollar (11 yrs.
old); Brooke Netherland (12 yrs. old); Kayla Stout (13 yrs. old).
President-elect George Brennan stated there were fourteen
couples at the Valentine banquet and expressed thanks to David
Taylor. He also explained the forthcoming Quiz Bowl, explaining
that the Club already has one team and might possibly field a
second one.
Triathlon Chairman Phil Eherenman reported there are sixtyone
registered for the 2006 competition.
The Academic Superbowl will be held February 27th at 5:30
p.m. in the WCHS Career Center gym. We need your help! If
you would like to sign up to be a proctor, we would very much
appreciate it. You would sit at the table with 3-5 students and just
Membership: 10/01/05:132
make sure they get their answers put on the answer sheets and
total their scores. It usually is over by 9:00 p.m. and a light supper
is provided for you at 5:00 p.m. Let Jennifer Brumfield
know if you can help. Thanks in advance!
President Mary Ellen Jordan highlighted the decisions at
February’s Board meeting: $100 given to each of the following
requests—EdCom Expo, Junior Achievement and Big
Brothers/Big Sisters. A sum of $200 was authorized for the
Community Quiz Bowl. The Knights of Columbus will receive
$199 for the purchase of a case of Tootsie Rolls.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Chaplains: Capt. Bill Graham (Army)
Major Mark Penfold (Army)
Major James Schaefer (Army)
Lt. Louis Urban (Navy)
Capt. Jeff Wirick (Army).
March 1 – Joe Sutton – Small Claims Court Issues
March 8 – Goodwill Industries
• • • I N S T R U C T I O N • • •
Martin Becker’s program carried the title of A Brief History of
the Bugle & Origins of TAPS.” The initial part of Becker’s presentation
highlighted the evolution of signal horns which he illustrated
as well as described the changes as they occurred. TAPS
have been described as the “most emotional music ever written.”
The original music was written on the back of an envelope by
Brig. Gen. Daniel Adams Butterfield, July, 1962. The twenty-four
notes are described as “indelible.” The monument commemorating
TAPS was dedicated on July 4, 1963 on the site on which
they were born. Becker was able to demonstrate the similarity
between the (Scott) Tattoo and TAPS with use of his trumpet.
The speaker concluded his presentation by playing TAPS with
appropriate pictures on the screen by a power point.
• • • I N S P I R A T I O N • • •
Addendum to the February 8, 2006 Inspiration” – USA Today
reported around February 6, President Reagan’s birthday
anniversary, that since he left office over 800 books have been
written about him. The USPS will be reissuing the Reagan
stamp in 2006.
In keeping with Martin Becker’s program, tomorrow, February 23
is the sixty-first anniversary of the raising of the Stars and
Stripes on Mt. Suribachi on the island of Iwo Jima, just four days
after the invasion began. The photograph is the most legendary
of the War.
Iwo Jima is the bloodiest battle in Marine Corps history with
almost 20,000 casualties, 4,000 of that number killed! Two survivors
expressed this loss. “Victory was never in doubt…. What
was in doubt, was whether there would be any of us left to dedicate
our cemetery at the end.” Maj. Gen. Graves B. Erskine,
Commander, 3d Marine Division. “I looked back at that little
island, and I said, ‘Every day I live from now on will be a bonus.’”
Sgt. Alfred Cialfi, Company D, 2d Pioneer Battalion.