W E D N E S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 1 , 2 0 0 6

• • • I N F O R M A T I O N • • •
Sixty and five Optimists checked off their names on the attendance
list. We were delighted to have Andy Swihart return with
those present after some years absence because of work. Door
greeters for the meeting were Erin Rowland and Jim Walmer.
The morning prayer was offered by Merl Heckaman.
Two “Birthdayees” for this week belong to DeLane Jackson
and Steve McGlothin. Song Leader Martin Becker led the
birthday song imitating a trumpet by lip buzzing.
Please keep in your prayers Chub and Mary Smith as they
continue to deal with health problems. Also, former member
Theresa Railsback recently had twins prematurely, and both of
the twins are not doing well. One may need to have heart surgery.
JoElla Smyth and Jon Lippe presented the “Students of the
Week.” Each of the students had a citation read and framed certificate
given marking the honor received. Those recognized this
morning and their parents are:
Zach Campbell (Scott & Laura)
Eric Coyle (Craig & Melissa)
Natalie Decker (Clint & Jacqueline)
Mitchell Gauger (John & Barbara)
Brandy Gill (Gregg & Michele)
Gail Goon (Jon & Tina)
Katherine Kitchens (Greg & Becky)
Matt Lawlor (Stephen & Esther)
Scott Smyth (JoElla)
Erica Frantz (Wade & Michelle)
Kayla Hutcherson (Scott & Melanie)
Jacob Johnson (Mark & Sandy)
Ana Celina Lopez (Mario & Maria)
Sydney Miller (Tony & Kerine)
Samantha Pennington (Chris & Kelli Faulkner)
Heather Rego (Chris & Kelli)
Tyler Smith (Shawnee)
Tri-Star Chairman Steve Hollar announced last Sunday’s winners.
They will appear at a later meeting, after the regional competition
in Columbia City. He asked all who assisted to stand for
Chairman George Brennan requested more reservations for
the Valentine banquet to be held on Wednesday, February 15
beginning with appetizers at 6:00 p.m. in the Blue Lion in
Pierceton. There will be no regular morning meeting that day.
The meal at the Youth Club continues on the last Tuesday of the
month as reported by Andrew O’Connell. About sixty were
served last evening.
Angie Tom stated that the Club received a special price on the
recently purchased Digital LCD projector, saving approximately
$850. She purchased this from Focused Technology.com.
Did you know there are two Optimist Clubs in Baghdad? You
do if you read the article in “The Optimist,” Winter 2006. If not,
you can read it on page 12.
Membership: 10/01/05:132
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Brad Green (Army-Iraq)
Josh Hollinger (Navy-submarine duty)
Raul Jimenez (Marines)
Sgt. Ryan Middleton (Air Force)
2nd Lt. Jacob Sweatland (Army).
Sgts. at Arms Bob Morrison, Jeff Owens, Jason Rich, and
Sam Whitaker moved among the Optimists collecting as many
fines as possible. When George Brennan was giving details
earlier about the Valentine dinner and urged Optimists to bring
spouses or sweethearts, President Mary Ellen Jordan asked if
one could come without a sweetheart. Jim Reeve interrupted
and said that he would provide some sweethearts. The Sgts.
fined Jim for operating a dating business.
February 8 – Jim Reeve – The American Circus
February 22 – Martin Becker – T.A.P. Rising
• • • I N S T R U C T I O N • • •
President Jordan introduced Steve Zorn to share his expertise
on child safety. He had read an article in The Paper detailing the
Optimist Club becoming involved in the Safe ASSURED
Program. The speaker believed that what he has to offer would
complement the efforts of our Club. The thrust of Zorn’s presentation
is training kids to avoid and escape dangerous situations.
It is directed to ages four through fourteen, but he has
found that older teenagers also benefit. As a Child Specialist,
the speaker focuses on three steps: Grip, Dip, and Spin. One of
his handouts had illustrations of these three terms which easily
gave them meaning. The three steps make it impossible for the
assailant to proceed with his intentions. Secondly, it draws attention
to others who may be near. Thirdly, it prevents the assailant
walking away with his victim. The other handout listed eighteen
common lures which child predators employ. Zorn has given his
presentation to numerous school groups and can be reached at
574-269-7209, or Kidescape.org.
• • • I N S P I R A T I O N • • •
“For myself, I am an optimist—it does not seem to be much use
being anything else.”
–Winston Churchill