W E D N E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 0 5
Sixty and seven Optimists attended the next to last meeting for
2005. The following guests were introduced: Ethel Anderson,
Judy Becker (Martin’s wife), Karleen Brennan (George’s
spouse), Ann Chubb, Kristin Chubb (granddaughter of Ann),
Mary Eherenman (Phil’s companion), Jane Eherenman, Eric
Gakstatter (Art’s nephew from Oregon), Barbara Gigous
(Harry’s sweetheart), Joann Heckaman (Merl’s wife), Willa
Henry (Past President Ron Henry’s spouse), Rae Hilliard (Bill’s
companion), Joan Hoke (Noel’s sweetheart), Steve and Marg
Knouff, Savina Kralis (Greg’s mother), Dot Nieter (Fred’s wife),
Everett Nifong, and Donna Nordstrom (Ed’s companion).
Door greeters for the morning were David Didier and Bill
Lawrence, while the morning prayer was given by Ed
Two “Birthdayees” for this week are Jim Kessler and Past
President Jerry Titus. Neither was present, so no singing
New Member Chairman Bill Lawrence gave the first reading of
Everett Nifong’s application and the second reading of Joel
Wihebrink’s application.
President Mary Ellen Jordan shared the final total of the
Christmas tree sales from Immediate Past President Ron
Donkers, $5,092.83. Only five trees remained unsold.
Director Phil Eherenman presented a check for $100 which
was received from the City of Warsaw following the performance
of the “Optimist Singers” last evening at the Center Lake
Chairlady Angie Tom briefed the Club on the results of the
Santa House project. Approximately 500 kids visited and 330
photos were taken. She asked all who served in any way to
stand, and expressed gratitude to Past Distinguished
President Ot Schroeder for securing assistance from the
Octagon Club at WCHS.
Christmas Humanitarian Chairman Andrew O’Connell
wrapped up the effort to provide gifts for 105 kids at the Boys and
Girls Club, who would otherwise not receive any Christmas presents.
This has been a very successful project and will provide a
significant day for the kids.
President Jordan read a poem written by one of the special
servers who faithfully worked at the old Holiday Inn when our
Club held its weekly meetings in that facility. She was an excellent
poetess and incorporated each member’s name who
belonged at that time.
Membership: 10/01/05:132
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Chaplains: Charles Card (Vet Affairs)
Ralph Molyneux (Air Force)
Carlton Fuller (VAMC)
Ken Townsend (Air Force Reserve-Space Command)
Lt. Col. Bill Cochran (Civil Air Patrol, Wing Chaplain MN CAP)
Sgts. at Arms Bob Morrison, Jason Rich and Sam Whitaker
appeared to be on their good behavior, perhaps afraid that
Santa was watching.
December 28 White Elephant Auction
January 4 Deb Nayrocker – Art of Debt Reduction
• • • I N S T R U C T I O N • • •
The “Optimist Singers” under the direction of Phil Eherenman
gave their annual Christmas concert. Members involved in
today’s program were Dan King, Dan Miles, Loran Sims,
Martin Becker, Luke Becknell, Harry Gigous, Don Kenipe,
Dave Haines, Jim Nesbitt, Gary Tanner, Larry Bishop, Merl
Heckaman, John Kirkpatrick, and Dave Turner. The songs
sung by the group included “Brothers, Sing On”, “Lo, How a
Rose”, “Fum, Fum, Fum”, “Silent Night”, “Who’s That Baby?” “I
Wonder as I Wander”, “Come and Sing”, “Deck the Halls”, and
“We Wish You a Merry Christmas.”
• • • I N S P I R A T I O N • • •
“Christ, the second Person of the Trinity, Christ, the Maker of the
universe or perhaps many universes, willingly and lovingly leaving
all that power and coming to this poor, sin-filled planet to live
with us for a few years to show us what we ought to be and could
be. Christ came to us as Jesus of Nazareth, wholly human and
wholly divine, to show us what it means to be made in God’s
Madeleine L’Engle,