W E D N E S D A Y , A U G U S T 3 , 2 0 0 5
• • • R E P O R T • • •
Fifty-eight Optimists found the Grace College “Underground”
meeting place for this morning’s meeting. Guests Ryan P.
Brennan (George’s son), Ron Chambers, Kristi Geiger, who
resides in Fort Wayne, Keith Gorman and Dan Miles were introduced.
Greetings at the door were offered by Tim Hofer and
Larry Tucker. The morning prayer was given by John Crum.
Two “Birthdayees” for this week belong to Past Distinguished
President John Elliott and Ed Nordstrom. Song Leader
Martin Becker directed the appropriate song.
First Lady Pat Donkers offered some details of the Club’s “Fun-
Raiser” now booked for Sunday, September 11 at Bixler Park
(Center Lake) starting at 2:00 p.m. The cost is $5 per person
and bring a dish to pass. Sign-up sheets will be circulated for the
next several weeks.
Craig Nayrocker and all who assisted in the Little League
Tournament were thanked for their successful work.
The “Jungle Book” auditions will be held on Monday, August 8,
beginning at 8:00 a.m., at the Warsaw Evangelical Presbyterian
Church according to Carmen Lock.
Art Gakstatter provided opportunity for volunteering for the
Crusin’ Hoosiers Car Club/Boys and Girls Club Car, Truck and
Motorcycle Show on Saturday, August 20. Positions needing to
be filled are traffic control, parking, etc.
Raffle tickets for the two-year lease of G6 Pontiac, or $9,000
are still being sold by Andrew O’Connell. The ticket price is $10
or three for $25. The funds will go to Boys/Girls Club.
Past Distinguished President John Elliott has extended the
date for letters in support of the new Baker Youth Club facility
until Friday, August 5. Be sure they are in his hands by that date.
Sixty-five have been received; at lease thirty-five still needed.
New Member Chairman Jeff Owens read the application which
has been received from Keith Gorman. He is being sponsored
by Jeff Owens.
Joe and Lynn Wilkey will be returning from Honduras where
they have been serving under World Compassion Network since
July 23. Pray for the successful completion of this ministry trip
and for their safe return this weekend.
Martin Becker provided information of two musical events:
Sunday, August 7 at 4:00 p.m. in the Artisan’s Court, Village at
Winona; the Lake Area Community Band with Conductor Martin
Becker in charge. The second event is the “Truth in Jazz” band
is an eighteen-piece jazz ensemble and will perform at the Friday
evening Performing Arts Series of the Warsaw Parks &
Recreation Department. Friday, August 19 is the date and 7-
8:30 p.m. is the time.
President Ron Donkers received an e-mail from Charter
Member Gene Groninger and Maxine reporting on having to
Membership: 09/30/04:129
deal with some health problems. Maxine is doing better than in
the last five years. Gene was getting too much iron, but that is
now regulated.
CEO of Cardinal Center Jane Greene reported on a very successful
duck race. All 5,000 ducks were sold, with $36,000 netted
for Cardinal Center’s children’s programs.
Please pray for our Troops and Their Families:
Scott Bailey (Army OCS)
Chris Foreman
(Marines-recently appointed Chaplain’s assistant),
Dan McNulty (Marines-Recon training)
Matt Miles (Marines)
Col. James Moeller
(Air Force-recently assumed command of the 375th
Aerospace Medicine Squadron, Scott Air Force
Base. It is comprised of seven flights with
105 personnel).
Sgts. at Arms Steve Hollar, Blake Miller, and Joe Thallemer
returned to their positions with a vengeance. Very few of the
members escaped with the same amount of money they had
when the meeting began. They were all absent last week.
August 10 – Luke Becknell – Cystic Fibrosis
• • • R E P A S T • • •
President Ron Donkers introduced Kristi Geiger representing
Big Brothers/Big Sisters. The speaker distributed several pieces
of literature and explained a couple of their programs. The first
was One-to-One/Big Couple which provides the opportunity for
adults to meet kids a couple times a month for several hours.
The activities enjoyed assist the kid to bond with the adult and
share needs giving the kid the feeling that an older person is
really interested in him. The other activity explained is the lunch
buddies. Eat lunch with a child at his or her elementary school
once a week. This will lead to other activities which they can
share. The lunch buddies operates at several schools in our
county: Harrison, Lincoln, Madison, and Pierceton. The new program
is Amachi which is faith-based and is designed to offer
“proven and effective mentoring for children of incarcerated parents.
• • • R E F L E C T I O N • • •
“To love a person means to see him as God intended him to
— Fyodor Dostoevskys a