W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 5 , 2 0 0 6

• • • I N F O R M A T I O N • • •
Two over fifty Optimists reported for the meeting on Spring
Break. Guests Bonnie Bradly, Kayla Graff, Henry Koondew,
Angi Remker from Bronson, MI, and Angie Vander Vinn were
introduced. Door greeters were Bob Morrison and Kevin
Weaver. The morning prayer was offered by Ed Nordstrom.
This week’s “Birthdayees” are Don Kenipe and Past
President Janet Weirick. Song Leader Merl Heckaman led the
birthday song to the tune of “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.”
Art Gakstatter reported a good turnout at the Spring Break
Skate. North Webster and South Whitley are included this year.
The activity will continue through Sunday, April 9.
Fred Nieter gave an update on the Safe Assured program. A
total of $13,500 has been committed. A brief Board meeting was
held following today’s meeting to approve a purchase order.
Others serving on this committee are Harry Gigous, Andrew
O’Connell, and Angie Tom.
Immediate Past President Ron Donkers reported on the
upcoming annual election. The election will be held on
Wednesday, April 19.
President Mary Ellen Jordan stated that this month’s Board
meeting will occur on Monday, April 17.
Angie Tom is requesting assistance for the Fourth of July
parade. There are numerous positions to be filled.
Congratulations to Coach Jim Kessler, who received the
National Association of Basketball Coaches (NABC) Guardian of
the Game Award on April 2. Kessler was one of four award winners
honored during the Cingular/NABC Guardians of the Game
Award Show at the Murat Theater in Indianapolis. The awards,
which were instituted in 2002, are presented in four categories
which represent the four coaching pillars—education, advocacy,
leadership, and service. Kessler received the Guardian Award
for Service.
Grace College and Seminary and the Village at Winona are
sponsoring the appearance of Michael Reagan on Thursday,
April 20, 7:30 p.m. in the Rodeheaver Auditorium. It is open to
the public with no admission charge.
Please pray for our Troops and their Families:
Evan Mock (Navy-deployed to the Middle East)
Dr. Ryan Plank (Navy-Hawaii-orthopedic surgeon)
Pfc. Joseph W. Russell (Marines)
Aaron Stahl (Marines)
Membership: 10/01/05:132
NOTE: We thank the Lord for the safe return of LCpl. Chris
Foreman on Saturday, April 1. He should be in Warsaw around
NOTE: An update on Marine Rob Bechtel reveals that only on
his left arm are open wounds. He is having sharp pains in the
palm of his left hand which makes therapy difficult. He is lefthanded
also. Rob requests prayer for two other Marines he has
become very close to. One is John, who has 77% burns on his
body and Everett who suffered extensive burns as well. His family
will have to relocate from Alaska to Texas to assist caring for
him. There are five children in Everett’s family.
Sgts. at Arms Bob Morrison, Jason Rich, and Sam Whitaker
moved among the members collecting funds for the kitty. Past
President David Lee was asked to stand and tell the members
some highlights of his life since he has not been attending meetings.
One of the Sgts., Sam, was compelled to pay a dollar in
order to advertise the GOP Fish Fry this evening.
April 12 Mike Yocum – Wagon Wheel Theatre
• • • I N S T R U C T I O N • • •
President Jordan introduced Angi Remker from the Howe
Military Academy, who provided some information about the
school. HMA was founded in 1884 and stresses academic,
physical, and spiritual training. Early in her presentation,
Remker pointed out what HMA is not. It is not a boot camp,
reform school, and they do not take kids who are on probation,
expelled from school, drug/alcohol addicted, special education,
or those who need special accommodation. The school enjoys
a beautiful 100 acre campus. It is faith-based and militarily structured.
The average class size is ten and currently has 130 students.
HMA is accredited by the State, Independent Schools
Association of Central States, and North Central Association.
There is a summer school program as well.
• • • I N S P I R A T I O N • • •
“A graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology may have helped solve the problem of oversleeping.
For an industrial design course, 26-year-old Gauri Nanda created
“Clocky,” a foam-covered alarm clock with wheels, which runs
away and hides before you can hit the snooze bar. A circuit
board instructs small motors to move randomly so that the clock
ends up in a new place every day. Before you can turn it on, you
have to get out of bed and find it.”
— Selected