W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 0 , 2 0 0 5

• • • R E P O R T • • •
Seventy-three Optimists found their way to the meeting this
morning. Guests Greg Burkett, Jane Comden from Osceola,
Marilyn Kenipe (Don’s wife and Jane’s mother), and Pete
O’Connell were introduced. Door greeting opportunities were
granted to Ken Anderson and Past Distinguished President
Max Mock. The morning prayer was given by Daniel King.
One “Birthdayee” is special and this is Mary Smith, the wife of
Chubb Smith. Phil Eherenman led the “Optimist Singers” so
that the birthday song would be performed properly. She also
received a birthday cake, without the age revealed.
Please include in your prayers Dave Creighton’s wife, Mary
Ann, who is contending with some physical problems.
Past President Juergen Voss is expressing gratitude to the
Lord for answered prayer in his behalf. He was suffering from
severe calcified bursitis and facing surgery. Many prayed for him
and the Lord responded!
Chairman Sam Whitaker provided opportunity to secure assistants
for the events at the Justice Building on Saturday, May 21.
This will be the Club’s most outstanding “Respect for Law
Week.” He also offered applications for kids to participate.
Fred Nieter reminded the Optimists of the availability of up to
five sponsored participants in the Optimist International Junior
Golf Tournament. The first level will occur on Monday, June 20
in Goshen.
Jeff Owens announced that raffle tickets are on sale to raise
money for Habitat for Humanity. The tickets are $10.
Andrew O’Connell stated that the last dinner at the Boys/Girls
Club will be on Tuesday evening, April 26.
Skip Smeltzer gave the citation for each of the twelve “Students
of the Week” which completed this year’s series. Each student
received a framed certificate as recognition of the event. The
parents were asked to stand when their student was called to the
front. The students were: Daniel Alexander (Dan), Jordan
Bollhoefer (Carolyn Stokes), Kaleena Briar (Kent & Jane), Joe
Clemmer (Dorothy ), Kim Cochran (Ed & Betty), Toby Nehr
(Brian & Jama), Courtney Ogle (Doug & Melissa), Heather
Richardson (Bret), Michael Schlitt (Mike & Jasmine), Andrew
Spears (Rebeca), Tyler Stouder (Kent & Jennifer), and Zach
Tucker (Scott & Wende).
Phil Eherenman paid tribute to Craig Allebach, Pete
O’Connell, and Marshal Malcom Gilbert for all they do to assist
in the Club’s triathlon each year.
New Member Chairman Jeff Owens gave a second reading of
Vicki Robinson’s application, who is being invited to become a
member by Past Distinguished President David Haines.
Membership: 09/30/04:129
Please pray for our Troops and Their Families:
Jonathan Good (Army-Iraq) Robbie Good (Army-Korea)
Derrick Hatfield (Army) Matt Miles (Marines)
Col. James Moeller (Air Force)
Sgt. at Arms Steve Hollar seemed to have more jokes than
fines, but he did find it within himself to collect money for all
the snowbirds.
April 27 – Carolyn McNagny – ACRES
• • • R E P A S T • • •
President Ron Donkers introduced Jane Comden, who was born
in Ukraine and came with her Family to The United States in 1979
during President Carter’s administration in an exchange with two
Soviet spies. The speaker described many aspects of the intense
persecution experienced by Christians in the Underground Church.
Jane’s Father was a principle leader and was repeatedly arrested
and sent to prison. Until the Family came to America, Jane spent
very little time with her Father because of imprisonment. The
Christians had to meet in forests, and while doing so, often heard
members of the secret police coming to break up the worship service.
When the leader, often her Father when not in prison, was taken
away, next Sunday the group met in a different area of the forest and
someone else would assume the leadership role. The speaker’s
Mother had a degree in English, but was not allowed to teach, so
worked in a factory to earn a little money. Her Father was an electrical
engineer, but spent much of his time teaching the Scriptures
and encouraging the Christians. She related the scary incident
when only her Grandmother was home with the children when the
secret police came to arrest her. The last part of Jane’s presentation
included some facts about the “Orange Revolution” which has
been widely reported in the West. This overturned the rigged election
of the attempt of the incumbent to continue his hold on his very
corrupt government. Ukrainian citizens took to the Square, a million
and a half strong, waving orange cloth, and vowing that they would
stay until the Supreme Court nullified the results of the fall election.
The protesters were there for months. The Revolution was a success
with a new election on December 26. President Yushchenko
was poisoned with dioxin, a highly toxic substance, at a dinner. His
face is still disfigured and suffers severe medical problems. There is
a very strong Christian witness in the President’s administration.
There is no longer a corrupt secret police agency as the new head
is a strong committed Christian, member of a Baptist Church in Kiev,
who was hoping to start a new church before being asked to serve.
Vice President Yulia Timoshenko stated, “Before we can stand up as
a nation, we must first come to God on our knees.”
• • • R E F L E C T I O N • • •
“If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I
would not fear a million enemies. Yet the distance makes no
difference. He is praying for me!”

– Robert Murray McCheynea