W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 1 9 , 2 0 0 6
• • • I N F O R M A T I O N • • •
The same number of Optimists was present today as last
week, but not necessarily the same Optimists. The number is
sixty-four. Guests introduced were Jordan Byers, Ron
Chambers, Liz Crim, Kate Denlinger, Alex Hall, Jim
Lancaster, Lori Masur, Cassady Palmer, and Ryan Van
Rueden. Door greeters were Bill Hilliard and Andrew
O’Connell, and the morning prayer was offered by John
The “Students of the Week” were introduced by Jennifer
Brumfield as she read the citation for each and Jon Lippe presented
them with framed certificates marking the occasion. This
week’s group is as follows: Cody Miller (Keith & Niki); Daisy
Nunez (Enrique & Leticia); Aaron Hamman (Ned & Cindy);
Kayla Szoldrak (Jon & Becky); Daren Ransbottom (Roger &
Dawn); Ashley Henry (Natalie); Kari Campbell (Stephen &
Linda) and Nate Taylor (John & Paula).
Immediate Past President Ron Donkers reported the results
of the election. Everyone on the ballot was elected as two are
holding positions from which they must resign: Andrew
O’Connell and Jeff Owens from the Board. Those elected and
positions they will serve are: President-George Brennan;
President Elect-Jeff Owens; 1st Vice President-Jim Reeve;
2nd Vice President-Bill Lawrence, Andrew O’Connell; Board
of Directors-Art Gakstatter, David Meier, Dan Miles, Bob
Morrison, Fred Nieter.
Past President Juergen Voss inducted Mark Skibowski, who
was sponsored by Bill Lawrence. Mark is a realtor with The
Cole Realty Group. He is married to Terri. Welcome, Mark! We
are pleased you desired to become a member and assist us in
serving the youth of our community.
Fred Nieter stated that there are seven slots open for kids to be
enrolled on Wednesday, April 26, between the hours of 3-7 p.m.
in the Safe Assured project. He also announced the Optimist
International Junior Golf Tournament to occur on June 1 for ages
ten to eighteen. The first ten who register will have their fee of
$50 paid for by the Club. Thanks, Fred, for your constant assuming
responsibility in behalf of our Club.
On June 12, Jim Bowling reported the Third Annual
Community Grace Brethren Church Golf Scramble in conjunction
with our Club with money to go to our Scholarship Fund.
Registration forms were provided, or you can secure one from
Please keep Past President Jack Jarecki in your prayers. His
resident mailing address and e-mail are provided so you can
communicate with him: 4401 Longmeadow Dr., Sarasota, FL
34235; e-mail – jareckijack@hotmail.com.
Club Visitation Co-chairman John Crum reported that six participated
in the visit to Rochester Optimists.
Membership: 10/01/05:132
Please pray for our Troops and their Families:
Brad Andrews (Border Patrol)
Brad Green (Army-Iraq)
Raul Jimenez (Marines)
Dan McNulty (Marines-Iraq)
Matt Miles (Marines).
Sgts. at Arms Jeff Owens, Jason Rich, and Sam Whitaker
pounced on Past President Juergen Voss for relating in his
induction speech about the goat the Club used to have and was
given for some infraction. When Juergen got it, the goat was
never returned. Also, Immediate Past President Ron Donkers,
as he was distributing ballots, commenting on how Democrats
vote. Republicans vote with their money as Ron paid a dollar
April 26 – Janelle Wilson – Warsaw Parks Department
• • • I N S T R U C T I O N • • •
Program Chairlady Pat Donkers introduced Lori Masur to
present the program called KEYS, Kosciusko Endowment Youth
Services. The goal of KEYS is to “improve education by providing
aid, now and for future generations.” Along with Lori, five
students participated in telling the story about the many projects
and services KEYS provides. The five were Jordan Byers, Liz
Crim, Kate Denlinger, Alex Hall, Cassady Palmer. In the
entire group, there are twenty students from various schools.
The Youth Conference was held in Shipshewana in October 22-
24. In 2006, there is an effort to get students to read. The program
is titled “Read Across Kosciusko County 2006.” For this,
KEYS offers encouragement and tools. They are interested in
cooperating with service clubs in assisting with their projects.
• • • I N S P I R A T I O N • • •
(There was not sufficient room for this inspiration in last week’s
“Optibullette.” It is still appropriate the week following Easter.)
The eulogy of Lenin on the occasion of Lenin’s death (1924)
by the Soviet Congress stated, “His (Lenin’s) ability in organizing
the masses was beyond belief. He was the lord of the new
humanity; the savior of the world.”
Comment: Notice the use of the past tense in contrast to our
recent commemoration of the Risen Lord four days ago.
Scripture declares, “He is not here, for He has risen, just as He
said. (Matt. 28:6) Today there is a debate in Moscow as to what
to do with Lenin’s body.us=op