W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 1 2 , 2 0 0 6
• • • I N F O R M A T I O N • • •
Sixty and four Optimists were present and the following guests
were introduced: Bonnie Bradley, Bill Cook, Emily Cowan,
Kirtus Murray, and Mark Skibowski. Door greeting privileges
were granted to Carmen Lock and JoElla Smyth. The invocation
was offered by Mark Hall. We were pleased to welcome Al
Meerzo, who has returned from his Texas winter sojourn.
Two “Birthdayees” this week belong to Phil Eherenman and
Art Gakstatter. Song Leader Merl Heckaman directed the
birthday song to the tune of the school fight song.
Word has been received that Past President Jack Jarecki has
been diagnosed with cancer. He is presently in Florida. Please
keep him and his wife, Marcella, in your prayers.
“Students of the Week” were announced with a citation read by
Jennifer Brumfield and a framed certificate presented by
JoElla Smyth. The parents of the students were asked to stand
as their student was called to the front. This week’s students are:
Josh Bloom (Connie); Justin Garey (Barry & Linda); Justin
Delacruz (Yvette Rodrigue); Jonathon Whetstone (John &
Debbie); Melody Miller (Ron & Tammy); Ashley Gunter (Lorrie
Stout, John Gunter); Adam Lenon (Perry & Patty); Rebecca
Sullivan (John & Kathy); and Amanda Waddle (David &
Noon Optimist President Kirtus Murray and Bill Cook were
present to explain the Club’s fund raiser which involves flowers
for secretary’s week. Carnations at $7.50, three roses at $9.50,
and single rose for $5.00 will be delivered on Wednesday, April
In-coming President George Brennan, filling in for President
Mary Ellen Jordan, circulated thank you notes from some students
who participated in EdCom.
In-coming President Brennan announced the Club has
received a check from Art Gakstatter’s Mother, Thelma Streifler,
for the Club’s scholarship fund. We are very grateful for her generosity!
The Spring Break Skate is history. Special thanks to Joe and
Carol Chester at East Lake Skate Center for providing this
opportunity for 400 kids. Thanks to Art for his sponsoring this
event and all of the Optimists who assisted or visited the Center
during the week.
Phil Eherenman reported on the success of Jeff Noffsinger in
the St. Louis Marathon. His time was 3:01:31, fifth place in the
30-34 age group, 30th overall of the 1,700 runners which qualifies
him for the Boston Marathon. Congratulations!
The “Safe Assure” equipment will be delivered on Tuesday,
April 25. A training session will be held from 6-8 p.m. according
to Fred Nieter. There is a need for kids to be enrolled on
Wednesday, April 26, during the hours of 3-7 p.m.
Membership: 10/01/05:132
Immediate Past President Ron Donkers reminded the
Optimists of the election to occur on Wednesday, April 19 at the
regular meeting. The ballot contains the following names and
offices: President – George Brennan; President-elect – Jeff
Owens; First Vice President – Jim Reeve; Second Vice
President – open; Board of Directors – Fred Nieter, Bob
Morrison, Art Gakstatter, David Meier, and Dan Miles.
There is still need for volunteers to assist with the Fourth of July
event in Winona Lake on Saturday, July 1. Angie Tom is heading
this up again this year.
Please pray for our Troops and their Families:
Charles Brickner (Navy-Okinawa)
Jacob Gilmer (Army-Ranger)
William Kretsch (Air Force-52nd Fighter Wing, Germany)
Col. James Moeller (Air Force)
Jimmy Ray (Air Force)
Sgts. at Arms Jeff Owens, Jason Rich, and Sam Whitaker
collected a few fines and then placed Art Gakstatter on the
screen, describing an alleged speeding violation.
April 19 – ELECTION and Kosciusko Endowment Youth Services
• • • I N S T R U C T I O N • • •
Emily Cowan from the Wagon Wheel introduced Mike Yocum to
tell the story of the Wagon Wheel. The start was made in 1955.
The speaker’s first experience as a spectator was in 1976. His
first appearance on stage was in 1982 and since 2001 Yocum
has become a regular in the summer theatre. The speaker noted
that neither Fort Wayne nor South Bend have a professional theatre.
Yocum thanked those who helped to make him the best
local male performer in the survey conducted by the Times-
Union. He described the physical features of the theatre and
then concluded with pictures of scenes of past performances.
• • • I N S P I R A T I O N • • •
“One nice thing about telling a clean joke is there’s a good
chance that no one has heard it before.”
— Selectedor