Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Future Dates
01/20 Student of the Week starts
01/30 District Meeting
02/06 TriStar Basketball @ BYC
02/10 Valentine’s Dinner, no meeting
02/12 Oratorical Contest
05/22 Car Show Fund Raiser
6/26 Triathlon
78 Optimists & 7 guests attended our meeting: Mike Thompson guest of Jeff Owens and Mitch Goon; Tony England guest of Tracy Horrell; Reinhold Fussle guest of Jon Fussle; Shannon Wentz guest of Trace Hansen; Kevin Deardorff, Vickie Lootens, & Nora Creekmore guests of our program committee. Door Greeters: Stacey Cox & John Kidd. Prayer was of-fered by Doug Ogle. Pledge was given to the Ameri-can Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison.
Birthday Honoree: Juergen Voss. Martin Becker led us with harmonized results. Mystery Person: Bob Ibach reported 14 people greeted him.
Prayer List: Bill Hilliard is finished with his program. Daniel Elliott’s follow-up consists of 3 shots of chemo a week until Oct. He is back at work.
Membership: Mitch Goon read Mike Thompson’s 2nd reading. Next week Jason Matthews will be in-ducted. Joel Wihebrink sponsored Jason. Jeff Owens & Mitch Goon sponsored Mike.
Jeff Neumann is passing a sign up sheet for our Val-entine’s Dinner, February 10th at 6:30pm at Stone-henge. Cost is $15 per person. Our Optimist Singers will perform. There is no morning meeting that day.
Jeff Owens reminded us of our Oratorical Contest February 12, 2010 at Zimmer. We have our 20 con-testants.
President Sam Whitaker reported Board Meeting re-sults: We sent $300 to Lakeview Middle School for their Positive Behavior Initiative.
Lt. Governor Jim Reeve invited us to the District Meeting January 30th in Anderson.
50/50: In January we are doing a 50/50 drawing each week. At the end of the month we will vote to see if we will continue it. This week Don Kenipe won $48.
Chris Wiggins reported TriStar Basketball is Feb 6 at 10am at Baker Youth Club. Chris, Dr. Steve Hollar, & Tracy Furnival are heading this. Help is needed.
Sherriff Bill Landrigan took our roll. He got several of us here. It sounds like he enjoys his phone conver-sations with us.
Our New Car Show Fundraiser: John Elliott re-ported we hope to replace the Christmas Tree Sales fundraiser with an annual car show fundraiser. We hope to make several thousand dollars each year. Just like the Triathlon & Christmas Tree Sales, we will all be expected to work this event. Several jobs will be to: sell 100 $25 trophy sponsorships with John Teevan, price committee, work the corn hole tourna-ment with Doug Ogle, advertizing, barbeque, etc. Call Art Gakstatter or John Elliott to help. Our 1st annual event is May 22nd in downtown Warsaw. Cruisin’ Hoosiers will help us.
Stacey Cox saluted: Scott Whitaker, who joined in 2009 chairs Respect for Law & works Christmas Tree Sales & our Triathlon. Marvin Miller joined in 1990 & has 8 years perfect attendance & has done our TriStar Basketball & been a past board member. Stacey needs stories on Luke Becknell & Jeff Owens for next week.
Sergeant-at-Arms: John Barrett commented on the 100% DUI testing certification rate of our police offi-cers. John Elliott is happy with his new granddaugh-ter & that he watched Ohio State win on his cruise. Jerry Clevenger is happy with his 1st grandchild. Mitch Goon’s son is Student of the Month. Jay Tate’s daughter has been accepted to several col-leges. Please send your dirt on club members to our Sergeants at
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Jonathan Peng – Army – Tank Btl – Iraq
Program: BLN;; phone 371-1404
Kevin Deardorff, Vickie Lootens, & Nora Creekmore introduced Business Leadership Network to us. BLN promotes enhanced employment opportunities for people who have disabilities. Two thirds of the dis-abled are unemployed. Of those, 84% want a job.
Nora told of going from depression to self-esteem. She went from unemployed to holding down her 1st full time permanent job. She has gone from not be-ing able to read to reading. Nora has a powerful story. For more info: or 371-1404.
