Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Future Dates 

11/3 Community Education Event

11/4 Education Summit

11/4 Invisible Children

11/4 Grace College Community Wind Ensemble

11/5 Fur Ball

11/9 Veterans Day Program/Optimist Singers & canned food drive

11/11 CASA Holiday Festival

11/11 & 12 Hoops for Hope

11/16 Lindsay Best/Big Brothers-Big Sisters & canned food drive

11/23 Cub Scout cake auction

11/30 Steve Miller / KCH

12/7 Chris Harrison / Indiana American Water

12/21 Optimist Singers

12/28 White Elephant auction

5/20/12 Car Show

06/23/12 Triathlon


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


73 Optimists & 13 guests attended our meeting.  Richard Tuttle was the guest of Ot Schroeder; Roland Kramer was the guest of Henry Church; Jeremiah Heierman was the guest of Trina Hoy; Nathan Hooley was the guest of Rick Kerlin; Courtney Stetzel, Creigh Ogle, Andi Frazzetta, Nicole Nulf, Chris Stetzel, Austin Moore, Adam Roberts, Bennett Hollar, & Tyler Ostrom were the guests of Ot Schroeder.

Door Greeters:  Tyler Miller & Dr. Joe “Solid” Thallemer. 

Prayer was offered by Don Reinholt. 

Pledge was given to the American Flag. 

Promise yourself was said in unison. 

Birthday Honorees:  Rick Kerlin, Gary Tanner, & Andi Frazzetta.  Martin Becker led us in the birthday song with our usual results.

            >>>> INFORMATION

Membership:   Past President Dr. Charles Hollar inducted Dr. Bill Katip & read Richard Tuttle’s & Roland Kramer’s applications.  Pete Gano sponsored Bill.  Ot Schroeder is sponsoring Richard.  Henry Church is sponsoring Roland.

Sherriff of AttendanceBill Landrigan, deputized Harry Gigous.

Speaking of attendance, we have a correction:  Bill Landrigan has 14 years perfect attendance.

Art Gakstatter reported over 1200 kids attended Spooktakular.  He thanked all those who volunteered.  A good time was had by all.

Vice-President, Angie Tom, reminded us that Christmas is coming.  This means the Santa House is coming.  Keep the set-up, take-down & operation in mind. It will be open Fridays, Saturdays, & Sundays.

Merl Heckaman reported we will know shortly which Saturday will be our bell ringing day for Salvation Army.

President John Sullivan reported we were well represented at the district meeting. 

John also reported that Jennifer Dorman’s hard work as our secretary has resulted in an award.  Jennifer gets the reports about all that our club does in correctly & timely.  Thanks Jennifer!  

Luke Becknell collected today for our canned food drive.  The rest of November we should bring canned food or donations for the Salvation Army. 

Past Pres. Bob Jackson reported Hoops for Hope will be November 11 & 12 at Grace’s Orthopedic Capital Center.  Friday there are 4 games starting between 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.  Saturday there are 4 more games starting between 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Proceeds go to the Kosciusko County Cancer Care Fund to help local families fighting cancer.  Tickets are $5.  Sponsorships are needed at the $500 gold, $250 pink, & $100 orange levels. 

Song Leader, Martin Becker invited us to a free Grace College Community Wind Ensemble fall concert at 7 p.m. on Friday, November 4th at Rodeheaver. The theme is portraits.

Martin also announced our Optimist Singers are performing our Veterans program next week. 

Martin also asked us to help the Lake Area Band find storage for their filing cabinets & trailers.

Keith Sampson invited everyone to a free Frontline Tour film about Invisible Children on November 4th at 7 p.m. at Lakeview Auditorium.  Children are abducted in Uganda, the Congo, Central African Republic, & southern Sudan.  Three college aged guys are changing this situation.  The promo video can be seen at or by searching “Invisible Children Warsaw” on YouTube or Vimeo.  To get involved, email tridentbg@live.comor call Keith or Erin at 574-551-0858.

Tammy Keirn invited all to the Fur Ball for the Animal Welfare League November 5th at 6 p.m. at Toyota of Warsaw.  Tickets are $30.

Past Pres. George Brennan invited us to the CASA Holiday Festival fundraiser on Nov. 11, 2011 at the Biomet Hanger from 6 to 10 p.m.  There will be a silent auction in addition to the wines, beers, liqueurs, coffees, & hors D’ Oeuvres.

Ot SchroederJerry Clevenger, & Bob Jackson are working with Octagon.  Courtney StetzelCreigh OgleAndi FrazzettaNicole NulfChris StetzelAustin Moore, Adam RobertsBennett Hollar, & Tyler Ostrom told us of some of their projects this year:  Selling cotton candy at the home basketball games, working as Santa House elves, tutoring kids at Baker Youth Club, reading to elementary kids and distributing books to them, raising over $500 and gathering 50 stuffed animals for kids at Riley Children’s Hospital.

President John Sullivan announced the Optimist International meeting will be July 12th through the 14th of 2012 in Milwaukee.

Please pray for our Troops and Families:   Cpt Pete Stone – Army – Chaplain  

Sergeants-at-Arms:  Luke BecknellJames Nesbitt, & Bob Jackson entertained us.  Tyler Miller will be a new father in May.  Trace Hansen will also be a new father in May.  Dr. Steven Hollar’s daughter signed to play soccer at Grace.  Jeff Owens was caught in shorts in November.  Jim Nesbitt broke the news to us that a sport called Rugby just had a championship.  It sounds like there is something like an Animal League “Fur Ball” (hair ball) associated with this sport in that he was telling us about a Hawka.  Tammy Keirn figured Lyle Enyeart would probably be our best player, if we were to try this sport.        

Andy Swihart won $26 in our 50/50.

Program:  Nathan Hooley, from the DNR told us about Urban Deer Hunting.  UDH is a special hunting season in special urban areas.  The goal is to reduce the overpopulation of deer.  People and deer do not mix.  As we know there are many vehicle deer accidents.  In addition deer eat a lot of expensive landscaping. 

The advantages to the hunter are that they have a longer season, can harvest more deer, including a second buck.  You have to get a doe before you can get a buck. 

The method used is archery.  The hunters have to be certified by the city and have to get permission to hunt on any private land.  There are specific areas that are open to Urban Deer Hunting.