Wednesday, April 17, 2013

4/24 Wed. Ann Zydek / Warsaw Community Public Library + WCHS Poetry Winners

4/24 Wed. Noon Club delivers flowers

4/26&27 Fri. & Sat. District Meeting in Marion

5/1 Wed. Randy Polston / Grace Applied Learning

5/4 Sat. Noon Club Golden Glow at Owens East

5/8 Wed. Nate Bosch / Kosciusko Lakes and Streams

5/15 Wed. Tracy Furnivall / Baker Youth Clubs

5/19 Sun. Car Show

5/22 Wed.  Optimist Singers Memorial Day

5/29 Wed. Dr. Craig Hintz / Warsaw Community Schools

6/5 Wed. Jay Tate / Safe Assured ID demo

6/12 Wed. Beaman Home

6/13 Thur. Optimist Golf Outing

6/19 Wed. Ashlynn Fawley / Red Cross

6/26 Wed. Assemble Triathlon bags

6/29 Sat. Triathlon

7/3 Wed. Optimist Scholarship Recipients

7/10 Wed. no meeting / County Fair

7/17 Wed. Jane Wear / Cardinal Center

7/24 Wed. Ronna Kawsky / Warsaw Area Career Center

7/31 Wed. Angie Wood / Heartline

8/2 Fri. Big Wheel Race

8/14 Wed. Rich Haddad / K21 Health Foundation

8/21 Wed. Lorinda Kline / Professional Learning Community Coach

8/28 Wed. Family Safety Day

9/4 Wed. Greenways / Tim Dombrosky & Staci Young

9/11 Wed. Dave Anson / Athletic Director WCHS

9/18 Wed. Laurie Schotz / WCHS PAC


Wednesday, April 17, 2013


80 Optimists & 16 guests attended our meeting.  Carson Kerlin was the guest of Rick Kerlin; Abisha Varatharaj and Dr. Francisco Negreros were the guests of Dr. KT Kishan; Kyle Dukes was the guest of Coach Jim Kessler; Bill Cook and Don Parker were our guests from the Noon Club; Tammy Sprunger, Joe Peloza, Dreanna Johnson, Brenda & Ashley Palmer, Jay, Kimberly, & Timothy Secrist, Alaney & Mora Wright, were our guests from Warsaw Schools.

Door Greeters:  Ed Nordstrom & Ron Chambers. 

Prayer:  Fred Nieter led us in prayer.

Pledge was given to the American flag. 

Promise yourself was said in unison. 

Birthday Honorees:  Art Gakstatter.  Martin Becker led us in the birthday song with “beep beep” results.  It brought a tear to both Martin & Art’s eyes. We must be good.

            >>>> INFORMATION

Prayer Requests: 

John Elliott’s recovery.

Marv Miller’s continued recovery.  He is getting out some.

Those affected by the Boston Marathon.


Membership:  Past Lt. Gov. Dr. David Haines inducted David Benning.  Fred Nieter is sponsoring David.  Dr. Haines sponsored Fred 20 years ago.  You guessed right, Dr. Haines is claiming David Benning as a new grandchild. 


Sheriff & Deputy of Attendance Bill Landrigan and Harry Gigous took a well-deserved break.  We have had over 80 at our meeting on a regular basis.


Bill Cook & Don Parker from our Noon Club took orders for floral arrangements to be delivered next Wednesday.  Three roses are $15, three carnations are $10, & a rose is $5.

Bill & Don also announced we can buy Golden Glow Chicken at Owens East on Saturday, May 4 for our Noon Club.   


Past Gov. Ron Donkers reminded us of the District Meeting in Marion Friday and Saturday, April 26 & 27.  The finalists in our oratorical and essaycontests will be there.  It is being held at Ivy Tech, 261 S Commerce Dr. (I-69 & SR 18 east of Marion).  Our club is the founder of the Optimist Essay Contest.  


Board Member Coach Jim Kessler presented Kyle Dukes a $300 check forLakeland Youth Center’s soccer program and a $500 check for Indiana State Police’s youth camp.  Jim asked Kyle “if he knew why he pulled him over” to the side of the room.



Art Gakstatter reminded us we are looking for sponsors for our 4th AnnualBreakfast Optimist Club City of Lakes Cruise In to Downtown Warsaw onSunday, May 19, 2013.  We also need people to work the event.  A sign-up sheet is going around.  We are need of judges of cars.

ML Motorsports is displaying their car.  The Studebaker Museum and the Michiana Studebaker Car Club are bringing a car or two.  The Oscar Meyer “Hot-Dog” Mobile is invited.  Purdue President Mitch Daniels has been personally invited to ride his motorcycle and be the Grand Marshall of our escorted Cruise to The Village of Winona Lake.

Our goal is to host 250 cars, trucks, and motorcycles; have some fun; and make $15,000 to support the youth activities of our Club.

As Club members, we are being asked to commit to three things to help make this event successful:

1)    Clear the date so that we can help with the event

2)    Be a $25 Trophy Sponsor

3)    Secure one additional sponsor of the event at the $500, $200, or $100 level.

Please turn in your Trophy Sponsor Form to John Teevan (the man with the money tie) along with your check.  The $25 Trophy Sponsorships are for members of our Club.  We are asking others to support at the $100, $200, or $500 levels.

For more information on how you can help, contact Co-Chairmen Art Gakstatter or John Elliott.



President Elect Everett Nifong announced our 6th Annual Golf Outing will be Thursday, June 13, 2013 at Stonehenge.  We have 6 teams already signed up.  Brochures are by the badge box.  Florida scramble cost is $425 per foursome, including golf, cart, lunch, and driving range.  Tee sponsorship is $100.  A foursome and tee sponsorship is $500.  Gold sponsorships are $1,000.  For more information: or call 574-551-9145.  You can also donate door prizes or goody bag gifts.  Everett’s team has emailed prior years golfers and sponsors.


Past Gov. Ron Donkers announced Martin’s and KCH Medstat are new sponsors of our Triathlon.  The date has been changed to the Saturday JUST BEFORE the 4th of July.  It will be Saturday, June 29, 2013.  Also this year in addition to a short swim after the traditional participants, there will be kid’s races for kids who are 11 to 12 or 13 to 14.


Video Editor Jim Hayes showed us a video of a virtuoso at batting practice. The other video served as a warning to pay attention to the traffic signs about “speed enforced by aircraft.”


Please pray for our Troops and Families:   1st Lt Scott Shaffer – Army Nat Guard – Chaplain


Sergeants-at-Arms:  Joel Wihebrink, and Everett Nifong entertained us.

Dr. Craig Hintz was recognized by Rep. Rebecca Kubacki in the General Assembly for being selected as Superintendent of the Year.

Dr. David Haines reported Martin Becker and the Grace College Community Wind Ensemble did a great job last Friday night.

Bill Cook & Don Parker were recognized for the Noon Club’s publicity. 

Chad Zaucha is celebrating a $1 million gift from DePuy towards the YMCA’s new building.

Dr. Steven Hollar is taking Jennifer to see Barry Manilow.

President Tracy Furnivall is anxiously waiting for his first grandchild anytime.

Don Reinholt finished the Boston Marathon in 1996.  It is the most crowded marathon.  That year he ran the Chicago Marathon in 3:27 and the Boston Marathon in 4:21 because of the crowd.  He ran for 13 minutes to get to the starting line.  He realized that this year’s explosion was only minutes before he would have crossed the line.  We are glad he did not run this year.  No one needs to see what was there.



Warsaw Community Schools 6th Grade Band directed by Tammy Sprunger and Joe Peloza entertained us.  They played:


Caribbean Delight

Hard Rock Blues


The Power Rock Ballad of We Will Rock You and Another One Bites the Dust.

They also illustrated how sounds were made with their mouthpieces.

They have a concert Tuesday, May 7 at the Lakeview Gym.

It is truly amazing what they have picked up already.