Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Future Dates
3/4 Grace Wind Ensemble
3/9 Claypool Elem.—Melissa Rees
3/11 Oratorical Contest
3/14 Board Meeting
3/16 Oratorical Contest winners
3/22 Community Quiz Bowl
3/23 Graduation Coaches
67 Optimists & 3 guests attended our meeting:
Karen Roller guest of Mike Hall; Gina Voelz guest of Dr. Joe Thallemer; Camille Kerlin guest of Rick Kerlin; Gannon Troutner guest of Art Gakstatter; & Shannon Wentz guest of Trace Hansen.
Door Greeters: Fred Nieter & Mike Hall.
Prayer was offered by Steve McGlothin.
Pledge was given to the American Flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Dr. Sandy Engelberth & Jon Lippe. Martin Becker led us with great jazz results.
Prayer List: Donna Nordstrom is recovering from surgery & an infection. Ed is not getting out much.
Marilyn Kenipe is back home.
Pres. Elect John Sullivan had knee surgery today.
Membership: Scott Whitaker read Kathy Kurasky & Gina Voelz’s applications. Past Pres. Sam Whitaker inducted Michael Gavin. Sponsors are Mark Ski-bowski, Dr. Joe Thallemer, & Lecia Derrossett respec-tively.
Oratorical Contest: Past Pres. Jeff Owens an-nounced this years contest is 3/11 at Zimmer. Call Jeff at 527-1387 to help at 5:30pm.
Please send your notes & pictures of our past events to Cathy Mullett at for our Scrapbook & to Past Pres. Jeff Owens at for our Website.
Student of the Week: Tracy Horrell & Troy Akers introduced us to Grace Bagshaw, Samantha Bennett, Hannah Bishop, Derek Grose, Michael Kuhn, Zoe Marshall, Luke Secaur, Susanna Stichter, & Mason Sumner from Warsaw Community High School.
Stonehenge Golf Outing June 16: Everett Nifong is looking for tee sponsors & door prizes.
Club Photographer Trina Hoy needs to raise $1600 for the MDA Lock-Up for Jerry’s kids.
Co-Chairman John Elliott reminded us our Down-town Cruse In is 5/21/11. The marketing & advertis-ing committees will meet shortly. We are to give our $25 to John Teevan for the trophies we sponsor. We also need to ask our employers if they want to spon-sor the show at the $100, $200, or $500 level. Green sponsorship forms are available. Those who are not on a committee need to call John to let him know which subcommittee you will work.
Election: Past Pres. Sam Whitaker is looking for people to run for our board, vice president, & presi-dent-elect positions.
Past Pres. George Brennan is looking for participants for the 3/22 Community Quiz Bowl in support of the Warsaw Education Foundation.
Pres. Joel Wihebrink announced a 3/14 board meet-ing at 7pm.
Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve showed us a clip of OI Pres. In-viting us to watch their board meeting 3/4 at 10am at
Martin Becker invited all to the Grace College Com-munity Wind Ensemble’s Spring concert entitled Fantasy of Flight March 4th at Rodeheaver at 7:30pm.
50/50: Don Kenipe’s tickets were auctioned off to Dr. Steve Hollar for $20 however Dr. David Haines won $36.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Bryan Ashton – Marines
Program: Karen Roller from the Riley Children’s Foundation that funds Riley Children’s Hospital ex-panded our knowledge of Riley’s. Last year 1150 kids were served by Riley’s. Their main campus does 1) clinical care & 2) research. The new Simon Family Tower makes it easier for families to stay with their child. Riley’s has 9 clinics across the state, in-cluding Fort Wayne & South Bend.