Wednesday, May 8, 2013

 Future Dates   

5/15 Wed. Tracy Furnivall / Baker Youth Clubs

5/15 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Girls Tennis / Rick Orban

5/15 Wed. Car Show Registration team meeting

5/17 Fri. Optimist Singers at Amish Chevy Dealer Association

5/19 Sun. Car Show

5/22 Wed.  Optimist Singers Memorial Day

5/22 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Boys Track & Field / Matt Thacker

5/29 Wed. Dr. Craig Hintz / Warsaw Community Schools

5/29 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Girls Track & Field / Scott Erba

6/5 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Baseball & Softball / Mike Hepler & Jim Speicher

6/12 Wed. Tracie Hodson / Beaman Home

6/13 Thur. Optimist Golf Outing / Stonehenge

6/19 Wed. Ashlynn Fawley / Red Cross

6/21 Fri. Baker Youth Club Golf Outing / Rozella Ford

6/26 Wed. Assemble Triathlon bags

6/29 Sat. Triathlon

7/3 Wed. Optimist Scholarship Recipients

7/4,5,6 Thur.-Sat. Optimist International Conference in Cincinnati

7/10 Wed. no meeting / County Fair

7/17 Wed. Jane Wear / Cardinal Center

7/24 Wed. Ronna Kawsky / Warsaw Area Career Center

7/24 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Girls Soccer / Peter Lucht

7/31 Wed. Angie Wood / Heartline

7/31 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Football / Phil Jensen

8/2 Fri. Big Wheel Race

8/7 Wed. Jay Tate / Safe Assured ID demo

8/7 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Cheerleading / Kari Doty

8/14 Wed. Rich Haddad / K21 Health Foundation

8/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Girls Golf / Chris LaLonde

8/21 Wed. Lorinda Kline / WCS Professional Learning Community Coach

8/21 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Volleyball / Michael Howard

8/28 Wed. Shirley Fetrow / Family Safety Day

9/4 Wed. Greenways / Tim Dombrosky & Staci Young

9/11 Wed. Dave Anson / Athletic Director WCHS

9/11 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Boys & Girls Cross Country / Jim Mills & Scott Erba

9/18 Wed. Laurie Schotz / WCHS PAC

9/18 Wed. Boys Golf / Ben Barkey

10/2 Wed. Amanda Lopez / Foster Parenting

10/9 Wed. Boys Soccer / Scott Bauer

10/16 Wed. Danielle Robertson / Wagon Wheel

10/23 Wed. Ben Barkey & Tom Ray / Washington STEM

10/23 Wed. Boys Tennis / Rick Orban

10/30 Wed. Eisenhower Robotics Club

11/20 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Symphony / Blue Apron dessert

12/4 Wed. Brad Hagg / Warsaw Community High School CTO

12/11 Wed. Girls Basketball / Michelle Harter

1/8/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Gymnastics & Wrestling / Andi Calhoun & Justin Smith

1/15/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Girls Swim & Dive / Nate Long

1/22/14 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Symphony

1/29/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Boys Swim & Dive / Nate Long

2/5/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Boys Basketball / Doug Ogle

3/26/14 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Chief Accountability Officer David Hoffert

9/10/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Athletics / Dave Anson


Wednesday, May 8, 2013


100 Optimists & 4 guests attended our meeting.  Abisha Varatharaj was the guest of Dr. KT Kishan; Andrea Nichols was the guest of Ron Donkers; Kyle Dukes was the guest of Angie Tom; & Renee Craig was the guest of Trina Hoy.

Door Greeters:  John Teevan. 

Prayer:  Alan Grossnickle led us in prayer.

Pledge was given to the American flag. 

Promise yourself was said in unison. 

Birthday Honorees:  Jennifer Dorman, Josh Gordon, Don Reinholt, & Merl Heckaman.  Martin Becker led us in the birthday song with soft results.


            >>>> INFORMATION

Prayer Requests: 

Praise:  Marv Miller was with us!

John Elliott’s continued recovery.


Membership:  Past President Jeff Owens’ assistant Rob Edling read Abisha Varatharaj’sKyle Dukes’, Andrea Nichols’, Renee Craig’s, & Jenna Secrist’s applications. Dr. KT Kishan sponsored Abisha, VP Angie Tom sponsored Kyle, Past Gov. Ron Donkers sponsored AndreaTrina Hoy sponsored Renee, & Past President Joel Wihebrink sponsored Jenna


Sheriff & Deputy of Attendance Bill Landrigan and Harry Gigous celebrated our attendance of 100 last week. 


Board Member Bob Jackson presented $500 to Winona Lake Park Board Member Shelby Beam for the Splash Pad and Limitless Park.

Board Member Art Gakstatter presented $500 to Tony Ciriello for the Kosciusko Youth Leadership Academy.


Director Martin Becker announced our Optimist Singers are hard at work preparing for a closed meeting of the Amish Chevy Dealers Association on Friday, May 17



Downtown Car Show, Sunday May 19:  Co-Chairs John Elliott & Art Gakstatter reported:

1) Those who are sponsoring at the corporate level need to get their money in to John Elliott  by Noon, Saturday, May 11.  Call John at 268-1207 by Noon, Saturday, May 11.  

2) The Registration Team will meet after our meeting Wednesday, May 15

3) We need someone who is able to drive the train (like a tractor).  This is important for safety reasons.  We also need helpers for the train. 

4) We especially need experienced car enthusiasts to volunteer as judges

5) We need door prizes.  Please bring them to the May 15th meeting. 

6) Ed Nordstrom is looking for help distributing Car Show flyers to businesses. 



President Elect Everett Nifong reported on our Golf Outing on Thursday, June 13, 2013 at Stonehenge.  Brochures are by the badge box.  Florida scramble cost is $425 per foursome, including golf, cart, lunch, and driving range.  Tee sponsorship is $100.  A foursome and tee sponsorship is $500.  Gold sponsorships are $1,000.  For more information: or call 574-551-9145.  Mike Cusick is looking for door prizes and goody bag gifts.  Around 100 to 115 goody bags will be made. 


Past Gov. Ron Donkers reminded our new members to check with Co-Chair Luke Becknell to find a job at our Triathlon.  We are in need of a new chairperson for the Body Markers.  Past President Dr. Charles Hollar is chairing the Timing Chips.  He needs help.  The date has been changed to the Saturday JUST BEFORE the 4th of July.  It will be Saturday, June 29, 2013.  This year in addition to a short swim after the traditional participants, there will be kid’s races for kids who are 11 to 12 or 13 to 14.


Past Lt. Gov. Mary Ellen Jordan reminded us that the New City Hall Community Open House on Saturday, May 11 is our opportunity to tour the New City Hall from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  


President Tracy Furnivall invited us to Baker Youth Club’s Golf Outing on Friday, June 21 at Rozella Ford.  Florida Scramble cost is $280 per foursome, including golf, cart, lunch, and snacks.  Hole sponsorship is $150.


Coach Michelle Harter, and Assistant Coaches Bryon Weinstein and Mindy Stookey are proud of our Girls Basketball team of Jennifer Walker-CrawfordLindsay Baker,Melanie HolladayNicole GrosePam MillerEryn LeekVicki HarrisCourtney Farling, & Brooklyn Harrison.  They have a 24 & 2 record, won the TCU Lady Tiger Classic, won our Sectional, and went to the Semi-State.  


Please pray for our Troops and Families:   Ret Charles Card – Army Veterans Affairs – Chaplain


Sergeants-at-Arms:  John ElliottJoel Wihebrink, and Everett Nifong entertained us.

It was noted that Past Gov. Ron Donkers & Bill Landrigan collected for Knights of Columbus for the Tootsie Roll Drive.  The secret is the dusty cars give more.  Bill had a bit of a line of cars going.

It was noted that Jay Tate has raised a record amount for Cardinal Services.

It was noted that we will not be able to fish from Don Reinholt’s backyard anymore.

Rich Haddad was recognized for the K21 Health Foundation’s $200,000 donation to Winona Lake’s Splash Pad and Limitless Park.

Past Lt. Gov. Dr. David Haines’ grandchildren were noted in the paper.

President Elect Everett Nifong reported Lake City Bank is looking for a system support technician summer intern.  LCB is also looking for someone to drive their big truck.   

Fred Nieter was happy with the Track Team’s great results yesterday.



Nathan “Nate” S. Bosch, Ph.D., Grace College Associate Professor and Kosciusko Lakes and Streams Director checked on our memory from his past lessons.  How lake ecology works is the nutrients including phosphorus is eaten by the phytoplankton (algae), which is eaten by the zooplankton, which is eaten by the planktivorous fish (pan fish), which are eaten by piscivorous fish (larger fish, like bass & pike).  The zooplankton, planktivorous fish, and piscivorous fish all need ozygen.  If there is too much phosphorus in the water too much oxygen is lost in the winter.  This causes a reduction in fish.  Our area has plenty of phosphorus already.  When we buy our fertilizer, we should get the type that has a zero for the middle number.  Our lawns will not suffer without the extra phosphorus our lawns in this area actually do not need.

Our lakes do a seasonal mixing.  In the summer and winter the warm water stays at the top and the cooler water stays at the bottom.  The water from the top and bottom do not mix.  In the autumn and spring the water mixes from top to bottom.

The KLS collaborates with the DNR to clean up the Tippecanoe River so it flows faster to avoid flooding.

We helped sponsor KLS 4th grade day at the lake.  About 50% of our kids have no fishing experience.  The kids learn that the water from our yards go into our lakes.

The Northern Indiana Lakes Festival is June 7 to 9.

The K21 Health Foundation is funding a 4 year study that includes biweekly sampling of our lakes.  The study is going to reduce our risk of getting blue-green algae.

The Winona Lake Preservation Association is studying the several streams and ditches that go into Winona Lake.


Help is welcome.  Go to

Ways to help are:  donations, business partners, volunteering for example for field days, Lakes Festival, donating live pumpkinseed or sunfish for aquariums.