Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Father Time visits club
Future Dates
02/10 Valentine’s Dinner, no meeting
02/12 Oratorical Contest
6/26 Triathlon
54 Optimists & 11 guests attended our meeting: Mike Thompson guest of Jeff Owens and Mitch Goon; Rod Miller guest of John Sullivan; Jason Matthews guest of Joel Wihebrink; Chad, Ryan, & David Goon guests of Mitch Goon; Erin, Jack, & Joey Deeter guests of Nick Deeter; Keegan & Kamden Tom guests of Angie & Kyle Tom.
Door Greeters: Don Reinholt & Merl Heckaman.
Prayer was offered by John Sullivan.
Pledge was given to the American Flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Bob Ibach. Bill Landrigan led us with good results.
Mystery Person: Dave Turner reported 15 people shook his hand.
Prayer List: Bill Hilliard is finished with his program. His voice may come back. Daniel Elliott’s follow-up consists of 3 shots of chemo a week until Oct 10.
Membership: Everett Nifong read Jason Matthews 2nd reading. Joel Wihebrink sponsored Jason.
Christmas Tree Sales: Past Pres. Jim Reeve re-ported we have a profit of $2832.53 so far.
Santa House: Angie Tom thanked all who worked on the Santa House, especially co-chairs: Jane Greene, Tammy Keirn, & Trina Hoy.
Jeff Neumann invited us to our Valentine’s Dinner, February 10th at 6:30pm at Stonehenge. Cost is $15 per person. Our Optimist Singers will perform. There is no morning meeting that day.
Jeff Owens thanked John Elliott, Nick Deeter, & George Brennan for sponsoring our Oratorical Con-test February 12, 2010 at Zimmers.
Thanks go to Trace Hansen who hosted our Optimist Skating Social Party, on December 20th.
New Fundraiser: Call John Elliott or Art Gakstatter to help with a car show fundraiser.
Stacey Cox saluted: Chris Wiggins, who joined in 2008, & is our Triathlon Bike Rack co-chair, TriStar Basketball & Soccer chair, & is on our board. Chris is an IHSAA official. Stacey needs stories on Art Gakstatter & Angie Tom for next week.
Sherriff Bill Landrigan: It is good to see Nick Deeter, David Taylor, David Tinsley, John Teevan, & Scott Whitaker.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Lyle Enyeart, John Barrett, & Merl Heckaman entertained us as they raised money. Merl played a memorable old 2009 & new 2010 for us. We watched a video of President Sam Whitaker as a dancing country elf. Lyle Enyeart’s SUV back window was put out by his boat. Bill Lan-drigan is letting the Eisenhower students have a break before he starts as principal. John Sullivan & Sam Whitaker are happy with the big bucks they got. Scott Whitaker is settling in as Warsaw Police Chief. Trace Hansen is happy his ex-skating partner was 7th in the World competition & 2 of the teams he coaches placed 6th in their levels of competition. Marvin Miller is celebrating his 25th anniversary. David Tinsley’s daughter is accepted to Grace. Dr. David Haines & Angie Tom came in coordinated sweaters. Trace Hansen led us in appreciation for our law enforcement officials. We tend to take for granted the danger they put themselves in to serve and protect us. Please send your dirt on club mem-bers to our Sergeants at
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
2nd Lt Steve Slaughter – Air Force – KC135 pilot
Merl Heckaman & Bill Landrigan entertained us as they raised around $250 with our White Elephant Auction. Bill sang his famous Hillbilly Auctioneer Song for us. Don Reinholt won a Coach Kessler bobble-head doll. Lyle Enyeart won a Warsaw 1980 Regional Championship pin. Bruce Hansen won an antler headset. Chuck Bingham won our gavel. George Paton won some silk underwear. Jack & Joey Deeter won Merl’s complete encyclopedia set