Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Future Dates
3/21 Car Show Preplanning meeting
3/22 Community Quiz Bowl
3/23 Graduation Coaches
3/30 Grace Village
4/16 Regional Oratorical Contest
5/21/11 Car Show
6/16/11 Golf Outing
73 Optimists & 4 guests attended our meeting:
Stryker McGrew guest of Josie McGrew; Karley Sasso guest of Dr. Joe Thallemer; Kathy Kurosky guest of Mark Skibowski; Rae Hillard guest of Jeff Owens. Door Greeter: Angie Tom. Prayer was offered by Doug Ogle. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in uni-son. Birthday Honoree: Tyler Miller. Martin Becker led us with the correct words.
Prayer List: Donna Nordstrom is recovering from surgery & an infection.
Membership: Scott Whitaker read Kathy Kurasky & Gannon Troutner’s applications. Past Lt. Gov. Dr. David Haines inducted Gina Voelz. Sponsors are Mark Skibowski, Art Gakstatter, & Dr. Joe Thallemer respectively.
Please send your notes & pictures of our past events to Cathy Mullett at for our Scrapbook & to Past Pres. Jeff Owens at for our Website.
Student of the Week: Troy Akers introduced us to Brandi Elliott, Jacqueline Ferguson, Kyle Heckaman, Caleb Light, Nic Moore, Jordan Shepler Zoe Smyth, Tarryn Trombley, Alex Visan, Olivia Wallin, Israel Warren from Warsaw Community High School.
Stonehenge Golf Outing June 16: Everett Nifong is looking for help & sponsors at the $100, $450, $1000 levels. Mike Cusick & Andy Swihart are looking for door prizes & items for the 80 goody bags. Golf is $90 per player.
Trace Hansen is going to be away on his honeymoon during Spring Break Skate. More help is needed this year. Help is needed in printing & delivering tickets. This cost of this event is covered 50/50 between Trace & the club. Last year 700 kids skated free.
Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve is looking for a time keeper 4/16 at 1pm at the Regional Oratorical Contest at Grace.
Co-Chairman John Elliott reminded us our Down-town Cruse In is 5/21/11. All are invited to the pre-planning committee will meet 3/21 at 5pm in John’s office. We are to give our $25 to John Teevan for the trophies we sponsor. Trophy sponsorships are for us in lieu of selling Christmas Trees. We also need to ask our employers if they want to sponsor the show at the $100, $200, or $500 level. Green sponsorship forms are available. Those who are not on a committee need to call John to let him know which subcommittee you will work.
Past Pres. George Brennan is looking for proctors for the 3/22 Community Quiz Bowl in support of the Warsaw Education Foundation.
Pres. Joel Wihebrink announced our board donated $500 to the Claypool Elementary Library & $300 to the Kosc. Co. Youth Leadership Academy. Te-chies are needed to help in buying a new laptop. See Ot Schroeder to chair the partnership between TriStar Soccer & the Kosc. Co. Soccer League.
Martin Becker announced the Optimist Singers have off next week.
Past Octagon member & 500 Festival Princess Kar-ley Sasso invited us to come to Indy in May. Events start with the Mini-Marathon & culminate in the race.
Joe Wilkey from World Compassion Network is headed to Japan to buy a truck for relief work. Meals are being shipped.
50/50: Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve won & promptly donated his winnings to the car show.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Bryan Ashton – Marines
Program: Jeff Owens introduced our Oratorical Contest winners: Owen Donahue who told us of the importance of freedom of speech, enterprise, & relig-ion and Madison Monnier who told us of the impor-tance of awareness and prevention of drug abuse.