Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Future Dates
Dec. – Santa House
Dec. Boys & Girls Club gifts
12/17 Optimist Singers as Wellness Center
12/22 Optimist Singers
12/24 Optimist Singers at BMacs
12/29 White Elephant Auction
78 Optimists & 4 guests attended our meeting: Tay-lor Cassel guest of Lisa Cassel; Tom Schiff guest of Past Pres. George Brennan; Mike Gavin guest of Lecia Derrossett; Troy Rogers guest of Lt. Gov Jim Reeve.
Door Greeters: Ron Chambers & Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve.
Prayer was offered by Doug Ogle.
Pledge was given to the American Flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Prayer List: Tracy Horrell’s father. Marilyn Kenipe is at Grace Village recovering from back surgery.
Boys & Girls Club: Luke Becknell needs us wrap the gifts & label them as to sex and age. Bring them to Today’s Headlines before 12/18. The gifts should cost around $9 or $10 each. Our club along with Trace Hansen & North Point Cinemas are donating skating & movie passes.
Santa House: Trina Hoy thanked our Santas and Elves. Thanks to Jim Hayes for setting up the sound system, Past Lt. Gov. Ot Schroeder & Jerry Clevenger for organizing the Octagon elves, & Art Gakstatter & his helpers for moving it twice as often this year. An-gie Tom, Jane Greene, Tammy Keirn, Trina Hoy, & Cathy Mullett are organizing the house.
Past Pres. Jeff Owens thanked Past Pre. John Elliott of the Esther Pfleiderer Trust, Nick Deeter of Orthope-diatrics, Past Pres. George Brennan of Lake City Group, Greg Houlton & Hugh Eagan of Allegra Print-ing for sponsoring our 3/11 Oratorical Contest.
Past Pres. Sam Whitaker reported Owens is giving us $1,015 from their Christmas Tree sales. Sam thanked those who unloaded trees, set up the lot, & sold trees.
We gave a gratuity to our wonderful servers from Penguin Point.
Past Lt. Gov. Dr. David Haines invited all to hear our Optimist Singers at the Wellness Center 12/17 at 10am, at BMacs 12/24 at 7am, & at our meeting 12/22.
President Joel Wihebrink presented a $600 check to Tracy Furnivall from Baker Youth Club for their Christmas program.
Triathlon: June 25, 2011
Video Editor Jim Hayes showed us an educational video about how to stay out of ―the dog house.‖
50/50: Dr. David Haines won $26.50.
Sergeants-at-Arms: Jeff Owens, Denny Andrews, Max Mock, & Dr. David Haines, entertained us. Our car sales members were recognized for their efforts to connect us with our favorite products. Our school employees were recognized for their efforts with our favorite people. Lake City bank employees were rec-ognized for their optimism. The Winona Literary Club thanked our Optimist Singers for singing to them. Angie Tom is happy that Kamden Tom is the Citizen of the Month. Bill Landrigan likes KCH’s ads featuring a happy Dt. K.T. Kishan. Thanks go to our Santa House ladies: Angie Tom, Jane Greene, Tammy Keirn, Trina Hoy, & Cathy Mullett. Dr. David ―Santa‖ Haines used his medical know how to hold a 3-day old. Ann Sweet is going to the Laker – Pacers game. Past Gov. Ron Donkers was able to get his jacket back from Rep. David Wolkins.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Major Ryan Plank – Army – (Orthopedic Surgeon) Iraq
Program: Dr. Kevin Roberts & Dr. Joe Graham fas-cinated us with their study about how MDs & psy-chologists working together with the knowledge of particular patients coping styles can do effective mo-tivational interviews. The big deal is helping us to actually change our lifestyles to combat diabetes.