Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Future Dates
3/11 Oratorical Contest
3/14 Board Meeting
3/16 Oratorical Contest winners
3/22 Community Quiz Bowl
3/23 Graduation Coaches
3/30 Grace Village
5/21/11 Car Show
68 Optimists and 2 guests attended our meeting. Gannon
Troutner was a guest of Art Gakstatter, and Kathy Kuroski
was a guest of Mark Skibowski. Our greeters for this
morning were Everett Nifong and Chad Zaucha. Jurgen
Voss gave our invocation this morning. The pledge and
Optimist creed were said in unison.
Jane Greene and Tom Kline were both birthday honorees,
but both of them missed their birthday song. One student
had the fortune of having a birthday this morning, so Martin
Becker led the serenade for him.
Donna Nordstrom continues to be on the prayer list as she recovers
form surgery and an infection. We were pleased to see Ed
Nordstrom return this morning. Marilyn Kenipe is back home
and feeling much better. John Sullivan joined us this morning
after knee surgery last week. Jurgen offered prayers for two students
battling leukemia, Bailey Moore and Shawn Harrison. It
was reported that Mary Stouder passed away. The funeral arrangements
are being handled by Redpath Fruth.
Scott Whitaker read Kathy Kurasky and Gina Boelz applications.
Past President Jurgen Voss inducted Greg Binkerd, sponsored by
Trina Hoy. Welcome Greg.
Oratorical Contest:
Visit the oratorical contest on 3/11 at Zimmer. Call Jeff Owens
at 527-1387 to help at 5:30 pm.
Please send your notes and photos of our past events to Cathy
Mullett at for our scrapbook. Also sent
them to Pat Pres. Jeff Owens at for our
Student of the Week:
Tracy Horrell and Troy Akers introduced the students of the
week from the Warsaw High School Health and Physical Education
Department: Ryan Egri, Chad Goon, Peyton Balazs, Daniel
Chalmers, Zac Erba, Sam Imm, Lindsey Sciarra.
Golf Outing:
Everett Nifong continues to look for tee sponsors and door prizes
for the golf outing on June 16.
Down Town Cruse-In:
John Elliott reminded us of the Down Town Cruise-In on May
21st. There continues to be a need for trophy sponsorships and
help on various committees. There will be a meeting or the advertising
committee at the office of John Elliott on Monday at 5:00.
There is a need for people to contact business for sponsorships.
Quiz Bowl:
The team has been established, but there is still a need for proctors.
Election of Officers:
Past-President Sam Whitaker is working of the election slate of
officers. If you would like to serve on the Optimist Board or serve
as a vice-president, contact Sam.
Board Meeting:
The Optimist Board meeting is this Monday, (March 14th), at 7:00
pm at the Board Room
50/ 50 drawing:
Tammy Kiern won with a new income of $33.
Sergeant at Arms:
Denny Andrews shared some input on the older members we have
along with a joke or two.
Please Pray for our Troops and Families:
Bryan Ashton-Marines
Riley Children’s Hospital:
Mike Hall took up a collection in response to our program last
week. $220 was raised to be sent to our speaker for the hospital.
Mike Hall introduced our speaker, Melissa Rees, the new principal
for the newly remodeled Claypool Elementary School. Melissa
told us a little about her background and her appreciation of the
community. She showed us a video of the construction of the new
Claypool and of the children. Claypool has approximately 355
students in grades kindergarten through 6th grade. Melissa has a
special concern for raising funds to fill the new library for the
school. It is approximately $20 per book and since the school is
new, they have only about half of the books they need for the children.
It was recommended that the Board consider a donation for
the project at the next board meeting.