Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Future Dates
1/9 Wed. Purdue Extension Junior Leaders and 4-H
1/16 Wed. Christon Clark / Habitat for Humanity
1/23 Wed. Warsaw Schools Symphony
1/25 & 26 Fri. & Sat. District Meeting in Logansport
1/26 Sat. YMCA Community Support Campaign Kickoff
2/6 Wed. Rebecca Bazzoni / Jacob’s Ladder
2/13 Wed. Warsaw Schools Band
2/20 Wed. Lindsey Best / Big Brothers Big Sisters
3/13 Wed. Chad Zaucha / YMCA
3/27 Wed. Dave Hoffert / Chief Academic Officer
5/19/13 Sun. Car Show
6/29/13 Sat. Triathlon
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
59 Optimists & 3 guests attended our meeting. Brooke Hamstra was the guest of Rick Kerlin; Larry Bishop was the guest of Bob Ibach; and Greg Rauen was the guest of Mary Ellen Jordan.
Door Greeters: Dr. David Haines, who told us of the many wonderful members he has met at our club over the last 40 years.
Prayer: Henry Church led us in prayer.
Pledge was given to the American flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Dr. David Haines led us as we sang “Hail to Optimism.”
Prayer Requests: Marv Miller’s continued recovery.
Membership: Past President Jeff Owens’ assistant Julie Runnells read Brooke Hamstra’s and Toni Deery’s applications. Rick Kerlin is sponsoring Brooke and Trina Hoy is sponsoring Toni.
Christmas Tree Chairman Harry Gigous recognized those who had a Christmas Tree in their house this year. He was very effective as most put their hands up. Sheriff of Attendance Bill Landrigan is the one who had the right kind of tree.
Lt. Governor John Sullivan invited us to attend the District Meeting on January 25 and 26 in Logansport. Let Treasurer Jennifer Dorman know if you are going.
Chad Zaucha invited us to the YMCA’s Community Support Campaign Kickoff Saturday, January 26 from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
President Elect Everett Nifong is working on a Valentine’s meeting.
Past President Jeff Owens is getting started on our upcoming Oratorical Contest.
Past President John Elliott announced our Car Show will be downtown on Sunday, May 19, 2013.
Past Gov. Ron Donkers announced people are signing up for our Triathlon. The date has been changed to the Saturday JUST BEFORE the 4th of July. It will be Saturday, June 29, 2013. Also this year in addition to a short swim after the traditional participants, there will be kid’s races for kid’s who are 11 to 12 or 13 to 14.
Video Editor Jim Hayes showed a Video of Tommy Johnson, The Real Boogie Man.
The second video was How to Stop a Massacre – Grandpa Concealed Carry Style. It takes 6 minutes for law enforcement to arrive, but it only tales 5 seconds for a lawful concealed carry citizen to draw. For a safer society, get more concealed carry grandpas.
Please pray for our Troops and Families: Lt Col Mark Penfold – Army – Chaplain
Sergeants-at-Arms: Everett Nifong entertained us.
Julie Runnells is celebrating her new grandson.
President Tracy Furnivall is excitedly waiting for a new granddaughter and is celebrating his 19th anniversary.
Past Lt. Gov. Mary Ellen Jordan is proud of her son for joining the army. Her nephew is back from Afghanistan.
Gina Voelz is proud of her daughter, Emily, for getting only one B in college. (The rest are As.)
Pete Gano is celebrating his 50th anniversary.
John Teevan enjoyed sitting with Bill Landrigan.
Kellie Malcolm was caught at Rotary.
Those without badges were recognized.
Greg Rauen Director of Operations and Disaster Relief Coordinator at World Compassion Network brought us up to date. As we know our own Joe Wilkey is the Founder and Executive Director of WCN. It started when Joe was doing some war relief in Bosnia in 2000-2001.
The community has provided support that enables them to do and deliver so much to people in acute need.
WCN has three areas of focus:
1) International and domestic disaster relief
2) Short Term Missions Trips
3) Compassion Projects.
WCN uses four criteria to determine where they will go:
1) They need to find a strong local partner, usually a local church or religious organization.
2) They need to have the resources needed.
3) They need to be able to provide safety and security for the volunteers.
4) They are open to what the Holy Spirit is leading them to do.
They like to use local churches, because they will know where the greatest needs are. Also, working through a local church gives a way for the congregation to reach out to those in need with Christ’s love.
At this year’s Run For Hunger they had almost 600 runners. This event helps feed the needy in our community.
This year WCN provided food and supplies along with the use of their 70,000 Watt generator to victims of the Henryville, Indiana tornado.
WCN did a Family 2 Family missions trip providing food to El Progreso, Honduras.
WCN provided an Earth Block Making Machine to provide building blocks to a building in Cambodia for kids rescued from sex trafficking.
WCN did a mission trip to Titanyen, Haiti, where they delivered 275,000 meals to 200 orphans who are still living in tent shacks after the earthquake.
WCN delivered 75,000 pounds of food and supplies along with the use of their 70,000 Watt generator to Hurricane Sandy victims in Ocean City, New Jersey. The local people had not had power for two weeks. WCN was able to provide power to the church they were partnering with, along with the Feeding Station.
Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before that we would walk in them.