Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Future Dates
1/19 Don McCune—County Drug Task Force
1/26 Mayor Wiggins—State of the City
2/2 Steve Possell—C C S
2/5 TriStar Basketball
2/12 TriStar Basketball Regional
2/16 Valentine’s Dinner
64 Optimists & 2 guests attended our meeting:
Greg Binkerd guest of Trina Hoy & Chad Briscoe guest of Bob Jackson.
Door Greeters: Pres. Elect John Sullivan & Trace Hansen.
Prayer was offered by Fred Nieter.
Pledge was given to the American Flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Birthday Honoree: Juergen Voss. Martin Becker led us with good results.
Prayer List: Marilyn Kenipe is at Grace Village re-covering from back surgery.
Gene Groninger is recovering from his 12/30 back surgery.
Membership: Scott Whitaker read Cory Rogers & Kevin Day’s applications. Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve spon-sored Cory & Trina Hoy sponsored Kevin.
Greeters: Bart Templeton is looking for greeters. Please sign up or call him.
Triathlon: June 25, 2011
Oratorical Contest: Past Pres. Jeff Owens an-nounced students born after 12/31/1991 are eligible this year. This years contest is 3/11 at 6:30pm at Zimmer. Have students call co-chairs: Jerry Richard-son at 306-0668 or Jeff at 527-1387. Thanks go to sponsors: Esther Pfleiderer Charitable Trust, Orthope-diatrics, Lake City Group, Zimmer, Allegra Print & Im-aging, and 107.3 WRSW Lake City Rock.
Pres. Elect John Sullivan invited all to our Valentine’s Dinner 2/16 at Stonehenge at 6:30pm. The cost is $15 per person. Our Optimist Singers are performing.
Chris Wiggins is looking for help hosting BOTH our own TriStar Basketball on Feb. 5 and the Regional that we are hosting Feb. 12. Both are at Baker Youth Club at 9:30am. Please sign up.
Co-Chairman John Elliott reminded us our Down-town Cruse In is 5/21/11. Since this replaces our mandatory Christmas Tree Sales & the proceeds help the kids in our community, we all need to get behind it. We should all do 3 things: 1) clear May 21 on our calendars, 2) be $25 trophy sponsors, 3) work one of ten subcommittees to make the event go. Call John to let him know which subcommittee you will work.
Song Leader Martin Becker announced our Optimist Singers will start practicing 01/26.
Sergeants-at-Arms: Denny Andrews, Max Mock & Dr. David Haines, entertained us. We were re-minded of the snow we have moved. Dr. Hanes told us several interesting plays on words. Harry Gigous is celebrating a new grandson. Bill Landrigan an-nounced Right To Life’s signature advertisement.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Capt Jacob Sweatland – Army Ranger
Program: Grace Athletic Director Chad Briscoe brought us up to date with Grace’s athletic pro-grams. Grace has 14 varsity sports with 11 aca-demic honor teams.
The goals of the athletic department are to glorify The Lord Jesus Christ and to recruit at high levels. When recruiting, prospective athletes are told of the priorities of Grace’s program: 1)spiritual growth, 2) academics, 3) family, 4) athletics.
The Orthopaedic Capital Center has been a blessing. The Harlem Globetrotters are playing 1/19. Grace is also hosting the NCCAA Women’s & Men’s Division I National Championships in 2012 through 2014.
Bob Jackson reminded us that Chad is the 2010 Ath-letic Director for our conference. We are glad to have him.