Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Future Dates
01/27 Soup-er-bowl @ our meeting
01/30 District Meeting
02/06 TriStar Basketball @ BYC
02/10 Valentine’s Dinner, no meeting
02/12 Oratorical Contest
02/13 TriStar Regional @ BYC
05/22 Car Show Fundraiser
85 Optimists & 7 guests attended our meeting: Dorene Fussle guest of Martin Becker; Brad Weaver & John Salb guests of John Sullivan; John Kauffman guest of Jane Greene; Cendall & Creigh Ogle & Dan-ielle Tat from our Octagon club. Door Greeters: David Turner. Prayer was offered by Pete Gano. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Honorees: David Taylor, John Teevan, Ken Anderson, & Danielle Tat. Martin Becker led us with good results. Mystery Person Jerry Richardson reported 6 people shook his hand.
Prayer List: Bill Hilliard at home on a breathing ma-chine. Calls to talk or set up a visit are welcome.
Membership: Everett Nifong read Mike Thompson’s 3rd reading & Tony England’s 1st reading. Past Lt. Gov. Denny Andrews inducted Jason Matthews. Joel Wihebrink sponsored Jason. Jeff Owens & Mitch Goon sponsored Mike. Tracy Horrell sponsored Tony.
Jeff Neumann is passing a sign up sheet for our Val-entine’s Dinner, February 10th at 6:30pm at Stone-henge. Cost is $15 per person. Our Optimist Singers will perform. There is no morning meeting that day.
Jeff Owens announced we have all 20 of our contest-ants for our Oratorical Contest, Feb. 12 at Zimmer.
Chris Wiggins reported TriStar Basketball is Feb 6 at 9:30am at Baker Youth Club. The regional is also here 2/13 at 9:30am. Help is needed for both.
50/50: This week George Paton won $43.50.
Cendall Ogle asked us to bring soup cans or cash next week for Octagon’s Soup-er-bowl for food banks.
Cole Baker, Sarah Chappell, Erin Clemens, Skyler Compton, Hannah Hinkle, Austen Lyke, Tristan McClone, & Kara Millington were our Students of the Week.
New Car Show Fundraiser: John Elliott reported we hope to replace the Christmas Tree Sales with this new event. Just like the Triathlon & Christmas Tree Sales, we will all be expected to work this event. Several jobs will be to: sell 100 $25 trophy sponsorships with John Teevan, prize committee, work the corn hole tournament with Doug Ogle, ad-vertizing, barbeque, etc. Call Art Gakstatter or John Elliott to help. Our 1st annual event is May 22 in downtown Warsaw. Cruisin’ Hoosiers will help us.
Stacey Cox saluted: Luke Becknell, who joined in 1995 & has 12 years perfect attendance, co-chairs our Triathlon & runs in it, is an Optimist Singer, & has worked Christmas Tree sales, the Community Kitchen, & cycles in the Coast to Coast for cystic fi-brosis. Jeff Owens, who joined in 1994 & has 15 years perfect attendance, is a past Honor President & board member, Optimist of the Year/Pillar of the Community & chairs our Oratorical Contest & the swim part of our triathlon, & gave us our storage trailer, was the 2007 Realtor of the Year & has do-nated just under 8 gallons of blood. Stacey needs stories on Denny Andrews & Bob Jackson.
Sherriff Bill Landrigan is calling Tuesday nights. He got Chris Kehler, Kevin Marose, Joe Sutton, Joella Smyth, & Susan Mc Henry here.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Merl Heckaman, Jay Tate, & Lyle Enyeart: John Teevan reported that Grace is still doing college classes in our prisons. Coach Jim Kessler has posters of this year’s team that has lots of Henry Ford quotes. Please send your dirt on club members to our Sergeants at
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Jonathan Peng — Army – Tank Btl – Iraq
Program: Lt. Brad Weaver from I. S. P. told us sev-eral interesting stories about special details he has worked on including Presidents Bush & Obama..
Next Week: Dr. Steven Hollar’s part 2 of the making of Hoosiers.