Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Future Dates 

11/19 unload Christmas Trees

11/23 Cub Scout cake auction & Warsaw Basketball Seniors

11/30 Steve Miller / KCH

12/2-4 Santa House

12/3 Ring the Bell for Salvation Army

12/7 Chris Harrison / Indiana American Water

12/9-11 Santa House

12/16-18 Santa House

12/21 Optimist Singers

12/28 White Elephant auction

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


86 Optimists & 6 guests attended our meeting.  Roland Kramer was the guest of Henry Church; Ryan Harper was the guest of Scott Whitaker; Barb Klapp, Pam Carlberg, Dick Featherstone, & Mike Woolfington were our guests from the Plymouth club.  

Door Greeters:  Gina Voelz & Troy Tom. 

Prayer was offered by Dr. Steve Hollar. 

Pledge was given to the American Flag.  Promise yourself was said in unison.

Birthday Honorees:  Mary Ann Gradeless, Dr. K T Kishan, Pres. John Sullivan, Barb Klapp, Pam Carlberg, Dick Featherstone, & Mike Woolfington.  Martin Becker led us in the birthday song with our usual results.  

            >>>> INFORMATION

Membership:  Sam Whitaker read Roland Kramer’s & Jeremiah Heierman’s applications.  Henry Church, & Trina Hoy sponsored Roland, & Jeremiah.

Sherriff of AttendanceBill Landrigan & Harry Gigous brought in Jerry TitusMitch Goon, & Roger Crouse.

Merl Heckaman reported our day to ring the bell for Salvation Army is Dec. 3rd.  We are doing the outside of K-Mart & both doors of Wal-Mart. Sign up sheets are going around.

Luke Becknell collected today for our Salvation Army canned food drive.  We raised $588 over the 3 weeks.

Past Pres. Joel Wihebrink reported Charles Neuwirth has 275 Christmas Trees coming to Owens East.  Help is needed Nov 19th between 2 p.m. & 4 p.m. to unload the trees & set up the sales area.  Owens is donating $5 to us for every tree they sell!

President John Sullivan reminded us to bring some money for our Cub Scout Cake Auction next week.

Angie TomJane Greene-WearTammy Keirn, & Trina Hoy are chairing our Santa House.  Angie reported the Santa House will be downtown the first weekend of December.  The next two weekends it will be at K-mart. Please contact Jane to work as Santa.  Octagon will help as elves.

The Plymouth Club invited us to their breakfast every Labor Day Sunday at the Blueberry Festival.

Coach Jim Kessler thanked those who sponsored or helped with Hoops for Hope. He asked us to call the Times-Union at 267-3111 to thank them for their wonderful coverage of this event.  Proceeds go to theKosciusko County Cancer Care Fund to help local families fighting cancer. 

Everett Nifong presented a check for $522.60 to us from Seth Ray’s Golf Marathon.

Martin Becker asked us to help the Lake Area Band find storage for their filing cabinets.

Please pray for our Troops and Families:   Lt Justin Hayes – Navy – Chaplain   

Sergeants-at-Arms:  Luke BecknellJames Nesbitt, & Bob Jacksonentertained us.  John Teevan interviewed the occupy Atlanta leaders. Glen Turner was remembered as our club president, the year the Plymouth Club started.  Dave Illingworth was featured on the front page of Monday’s USA Today’s Money section.  The article was about “the Illingworth way” of providing world class customer service at Lexus. (Illingworth started Lexus.)  Past Pres. John Elliott was seen at an out-of county Freedom Rally.  We knew John is famous in our county.  People from other parts of the state said John actually is well known worldwide. We know John is influential here . . . Mike Hall’s work as program chair last year.  We wonder how far his influence goes.  We wonder if he was instrumental in bringing “Our Man Mitch” back to Indiana 8 years ago! Jerry Titus was recognized for his 1985 publicity.  Before EMS, Jerry used to use a van to bring people to the hospital.  However, Jim Walmerremembers being taken to Ft Wayne in a hearse on 9/6/1969.  Denny Andrews notices that our street dept. barricades saw COW but Plymouth’s say PIGS.   

50/50:  Jay Tate won $30.

Program:  Lindsey Best from Big Brothers Big Sisters showed us 2 of their programs:  School-Based Lunch Buddy & Community-Based Mentoring.  The Lunch Buddy meets with their student once a week during the school year for lunch.  The Community-Based volunteer sees their student twice a month.  Ot Schroeder & Luke Becknell endorsed the programs.  To learn more call 888-456-1600 or go to  In March we can Bowl for Kids to raise money for Big Brothers Big Sisters.