Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Future Dates
1/5 Tracy Furnivall—BYC
1/12 Chad Briscoe—Grace Athl. Dir.
1/26 Mayor Wiggins—State of the City
2/2 Steve Possell—C C S
3/11 Oratorical Contest
6/25/11 Triathlon
56 Optimists & 6 guests attended our meeting:
Cory Rogers guest of Lt. Gov Jim Reeve;
Kate Miller guest of Marvin Miller;
Kendra & Kristine Paton guests of George Paton; Keegan & Kamden Tom guests of Angie & Kyle Tom.
Door Greeters: Lyle Enyeart & Past Pres Sam Whitaker.
Prayer was offered by Don Reinholt.
Pledge was given to the American Flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Bob Ibach & Chad Zaucha. Merl Heckaman led us with ―Jingle Bells‖ results.
Prayer List: Marilyn Kenipe is at Grace Village re-covering from back surgery.
Gene Groninger’s 12/30 back surgery.
Membership: Scott Whitaker read Cory Rogers & Kevin Day’s applications. Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve spon-sored Cory & Trina Hoy sponsored Kevin.
Greeters: Bart Templeton is looking for greeters. Please sign up or call him.
Triathlon: June 25, 2011
Video Editor Jim Hayes showed us a video that dem-onstrated the musical instruments that an IPod can imitate.
He also showed us a video about the football trick play called the ―wrong ball.‖
50/50: Greg Houlton won $21.
Sergeants-at-Arms: Max Mock, & Dr. David Haines, entertained us.
Nancy Boston told us about her experiences teach-ing physical education at North Webster Elementary School.
George Paton reported that you can still swim in Tip-pecanoe Lake thanks to the work of the ducks and geese.
Past Pres. John Elliott felt the Ohio State coaches were in the dark about the trinket sales.
Dr. Steve Hollar saw Jerry Seinfeld while skiing in Colorado last week. We found it humorous that Steve’s son was unaware of who Jerry Seinfeld is. I guess we are getting older.
President Joel Wihebrink ran into Dr. Joe Thalle-mer’s son, Michael in Nashville. Joel coached Mi-chael in swimming in high school and followed his college swimming career. Michael is a DePuy sales-man in the South. Again, we are getting older.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Capt Jacob Sweatland – Army Ranger
Program: Auctioneer Bill Landrigan entertained us along with his helper, Past Lt. Gov. Dr. David Haines.
Around $300 was raised as we bought ―white ele-phant‖ items from each other.
Some of the items bought were: a back massager, several stuffed snowmen, a shower cleaner, a couple 1942 Warsaw High School metal pot holders, a Souder fan, and a program from Rick Fox’s McDonalds High School Basketball game with the original letter inviting him to participate.