Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Future Dates
6/13 Board Meeting
6/15 BYC / Grace Jail Ministries
6/16/11 Golf Outing
6/22 Triathlon packets
6/25/11 Triathlon
06/29 Eric Lane—Hope Mission
7/13 no meeting—Fair
78 Optimists & 6 guests attended our meeting. Bob Breton was the guest of Art Gakstatter; Roger Krynock was the guest of John Teevan; Michelle Voss was the guest of Juergen Voss; Zach Burger was the guest of Cathy Mullett; Kyle Showley was the guest of George Paton; & Keegan Tom was the guest of Angie Tom. Door Greeters: Hugh Eagon & Max Mock. Prayer was offered by Jim Kessler. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Honorees: Charles Hollar, Jim Nesbitt, & Tracy Horrell. Martin Becker led us in the birthday song with short results.
Prayer List: Alan & Kristine Aldefer’s daughter Katherine as she fights her bone & muscle disease.
Membership: Scott Whitaker read Shawn William-son’s application. Past Pres. Max Mock inducted Wil-liam Bartol & Mark Caruso. Everett Nifong, Ed Nord-strom, & Joel Wihebrink are their respective sponsors.
Stonehenge Golf Outing June 16: Everett Nifong announced 21 teams are playing. Jay Tate & Cardi-nal Services are stuffing the goody bags. Dave Illing-worth is providing the car for the hole-in-one.
Triathlon: Past Gov. Ron Donkers reported we have 448 registered. We expect 700 to 750. We are all invited to Ron & George’s storage building after our 6/22 meeting to finish the registration packets. Luke Becknell highlighted: Chris Wiggins need for help 6/24 at 3:30pm to set up; Doug Jones after the race to take down; Mary Ellen Jordan 6/24 4:30pm to 8pm & 6/25 morning for registration; Martin Becker 6/25 at 5:30am for parking. After we finish our tasks we need to pick up all the litter.
Video Editor Jim Hayes showed us a clip of Tyas Hansen, Trace Hansen’s nephew unveiling the Micro-soft E3 video game.
Visitation Chairman Ron Chambers recognized those who visited the Warsaw Noon Club on June 6.
Martin Becker reported the Optimist Singers are off until Aug. 10th.
President Joel Wihebrink reminded us of the 6/13 board meeting at 7pm.
Please see Craig Nayrocker if you are interested in writing our Optibullette newsletter when Craig is out.
Sergeants-at-Arms: Max Mock, Dr. David Haines, & Jeff Owens entertained us. Angie Tom is proud of Keegan’s straight A’s for the whole year. John Teevan is glad that Ohio State is rebuilding it’s foot-ball program. Dr. David Haines quizzed us on our Optimist knowledge. Merl Hecakaman was recog-nized for selling the city some equipment. In the years ago category: Aaron Rovenstine was recog-nized for Rocky Goshert’s dad’s retirement & Mike Hall was recognized for the Boys & Girls Club award.
50/50: Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve won $28.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Jessica Meier – Army
Program: Aaron Rovenstine told us about the Kos-ciusko County Basketball Hall of Fame. Aaron reminded us of the rich heritage of our County Tour-naments and County Sectionals prior to consolida-tion. The Tournaments included all 14 county schools and went from Thursday night through Satur-day. The Tournaments were played in the Armory, which seated 2500. The Sectionals included the 14 county schools and Larwill & Columbia City.
Dr. Charles Hollar scored 504 points in his H S ca-reer. Past Pres. Sam Whitaker played for Silver Lake. Carl Sands coached Larry Tucker at Beaver Dam. Don Reinholt scored 1023 points in his H S career at Aubbeenaubbee. We are invited to the June 24 induction of this