October 12, 2016
Upcoming Programs:
19-LifeTouch Ministries/Stefanie Essick
26-Ghost Tours/Greg Steffe
2-Beaman Home/Tabatha Gabbard
9-Veterans Day Program/Optimist Singers
16-Trine University/Alli Finch
23-Cake Auction
30-John Sullivan’s Musical Talents
7-Big Brothers Big Sisters/Kate O’Connor
14-Polywood/Sharon Doan
21-Christmas Carols/Optimist Singers
28-White Elephant Auction
It can be hazardous to your health to not LOVE Warsaw at Optimist!
Invocation by: Max Mock
Greeters: Ivan Schuler and Chris Bramlett
Members & Guests:
- Joey Hickerson-guest of Joel Wihebrink
Birthdays: Alan Grossnickle, Bill Katip, Max Mock, Jim Walmer. Happy Birthday!
Brooke Hamstra conducted:
1st Reading:
- Joey Hickerson-sponsored by Joel Wihebrink
2nd Reading:
- none
3rd Reading:
- none
- Matthew Townsend-sponsored by Travis McConnell. Past President Sam Whitaker performed the induction. Welcome to the club Matthew, we look forward to working with you!
Program: JustServe.org by Tressa Nichols. Optimists spent several minutes putting puzzles together to illustrate how difficult it is to bring those who have a need, and those who can fill that need, together. A short video introduced JustServe.org, a free resource to connect service organizations and communities.
Committee Reports/Announcements:
- Friday, October 28th is the Spooktacular. Volunteers are needed from 4:30 to 9:00.
- Optimist District Meeting in Anderson, IN on Saturday.
- Merl Heckaman asked that we watch for the sign-up for bell ringing for the Salvation Army.
- The next Club Visitation will be with the Warsaw Noon Optimists on October 31st.
CEO Report: by Jen Kerns
- Pam Galloway. You’re so appreciated for all you do!
50/50: Michele Bickel won this week!
Sergeants-at-arms: Jim Smith, Juergen Voss, and Travis McConnell entertained us.
- Next Week: LifeTouch Ministries/Stefanie Essick.
- Thank You Guests & Members.
- Clean your tables.
Quote: “I hate when I run into old people and then realize we went to high school together!” – President Tony Ciriello.
Thanks and have an Optimist Week!