July 15 Meeting

71 Optimists & 7 guests attended our meeting: Alec, Austin, & Aric Swihart guests of Andy Swihart; Rachel Bowers & Mike Martin guests of Jerry Titus; Fred Watkins guest of John Sullivan; John Armacost guest of Dr. David Haines.
Door Greeters: Jay Tate & Ed Nordstrom.
Prayer was offered by Bill Landrigan.
Pledge was given to the American Flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Birthday Honoree: Dr. David Haines & John Burtoft. Martin Becker led us with the usual results.
Prayer List: Gene Groninger’s recovery after re-moval of part of his lung. The cancer did not spread. He has started treatments. Andrew O’Connell is back at work after 6 surgeries. He has one surgery left. Bill Hilliard’s ongoing health. They will evaluate drugs in a couple weeks. Beatrice Crum’s recovery from a stroke. She is at Millers Merry Manor, Room 101, PO Box 710, Wakarusa, IN 46573. Bruce Woodward is recovering from being hit by a car.
Triathlon Chairman Ron Donkers reported that in-cluding the grant from the Visitors & Convention Bu-reau we made around $18,200. This is the most profit ever! Remember to put the 4th Saturday of June on your calendar next year.
Jay Tate reminded us we only have 1 more meeting before the July 25 Duck Race at The Village at Wi-nona. This year the Noon Optimist Club will be on our team. Around 1/4 of the ducks sold are pur-chased by service clubs. Good Work! Last year 8800 were sold. 10k is this year’s goal. So far around 1300 have been sold.
Dave Meier announced the Big Wheel Race will be August 8 at 9am on Center Street just east of the Courthouse. Sign up to help. Penguin Point donates the prizes.
Dr. Jason Rich asked us to check our directory en-tries for out dated information.
Past President Jeff Owens announced there will be a vote next week to change the positions of Sam Whitaker & Jeff Neumann. Sam will be president next year & Jeff will be president-elect.
Luke Becknell, Dr. David Haines, Dan King, & John Armacost entered their excellent entry of ―Happy Trails‖ for our Hootenanny which will be July 29. Prepare to sing or play your favorite cowboy song.
Angie Tom thanked those who worked at Winona Lake’s 4th of July.
Merl Heckaman thanked those who donated our Bingo prizes July 1st. We raised $300 for scholar-ships.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Patty Donkers, Nancy Boston, Tonya Welsh entertained us as they collected money: Bill Landrigan is selling his Dodge truck. Ot Schroeder thanked Merl Heckaman for his help rais-ing money for the fair goat barn. It sounds like we missed something at the fair auction. Ot’s daughter Amanda was fair queen & Bill Landrigan’s grandson Kyle Quick was fair king. Several of us were in inter-esting places when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Lt. Luis Urban – Navy – Chaplain
Major Mark Penfold – Army – Chaplain
Mike Martin from Lifeline Youth & Family Services brought us up to date on how they have changed. Pierceton Woods Academy houses 48 at risk boys. Rachel Bowers’ Family Services keeps families to-gether & prevents escalation of dysfunction.
Jerry Titus announced our future programs:
7/22 Shelby Howard ML Motorsports driver @ our meeting AND Kyle Busch @ Toyota of Warsaw from 5 to 7pm also on 7/22.
7/29 Wagon Wheel Kids & our cowboy song Hoote-nanny.