Scott Reust, Roger Crouse, Joe Wilkey, Brandon Bellinghausen. Happy Birthday!
Check Presentation:
- none
Brooke Hamstra conducted:
1st Reading:
- none
2nd Reading:
- Kevin Harter (Jim Smith)
3rd Reading:
- Matt Ralston
Matt Ralston (Scott Reust) Induction by Jeff Owens
Lake City Radio, by Katie Wonderly.
Committee Reports/Announcements:
- Jenny Lucht announced the car show will be on June 4, a Sunday. More to come
- Chris Mahan encouraged members to encourage youth to sign up for the Oratory Contest. Download the application from our website.
- Everet Nifong who is in his 10th year running the Golf Outing, said it will be on Thursday, June 15 at Stonehenge and requested help
- Jason Gergely announced and presented Indiana North District awards.
- Our club was designated an Honor Club, so Trace Hansen, Michelle Bickel and Andy Swihart received citations and banner patches. Members receiving awards: John Sullivan, Luitenant Governor; Trina Hoy, Photographer, Jim Hayes, webmaster; Ot Schroeder, Joy Club Chairman, Ron Donkers, Arrangements Chair; Jennifer Dorman (who helped establish a new club!) Distinguished District Secretary/Treasurer; Michelle Bickel, winner for Zone 3 for the A and A report. Congratulations to everyone!
CEO Report:
- none
50/50: Teresa Smethers won!
Sergeants-at-arms: Jim Smith, Juergen Voss, and Travis McConnell entertained us.
- Thank You Guests & Members.
- Clean your tables.
Quote: Don’t let success go to your head and don’t let failure go to your heart.
Thanks and have an Optimist Week!