December 28, 2016

December 28, 2016

Upcoming Programs:



Invocation by: Ron Henry

Greeters: K.T Kishan, Jim Walmer

Members & Guests: 

  1. Jane Cope (Don Kenipe)

  2. Roy Angle, (Ivan Schuler)

  3. Zachary Smith (Jim Smith)
  4. Madison O’Connell (Andrew O’Connell)

Check Presentation: 

  • none


Trevor Ross, Bob Ibach. Happy Birthday!


Brooke Hamstra conducted:

   1st Reading:

  • none

   2nd Reading:

  • none

   3rd Reading:

  • none


  • none


White Elephant Sale: Raised $326.00!

Committee Reports/Announcements:

  • Santa House was a success (Andy O’Connell) No expenses, new tires and chairs on trailer, total pictures 228, total donations $197.51

CEO Report:  

  • none

50/50: Don Kenipe won!

Sergeants-at-arms:  Jim Smith, Juergen Voss, and Travis McConnell entertained us.

Attendance: 63


  1. Thank You Guests & Members.
  2. Clean your tables.

Quote: none

Thanks and have an Optimist Week!