December 21, 2016

December 21, 2016

Upcoming Programs:


28-White Elephant Auction


Invocation by: Doug Ogle

Greeters: Doug Baumgardner, Doug Blatz

Members & Guests: 

  1. Katie Wonderly (Trina Hoy)

  2. Jeff Servies (Judy Servies)

  3. Michael Casey (Dave Robertson)
  4. Randy Polston (Rachel Polston)
  5. Tim Hamann (Carol Hamann)
  6. Larry Bishop (Emily Bishop)
  7. Harry Gijous (Barbara Gijous)
  8. Mark Becker, (Mrs. Becker)

Check Presentation: 

  • none


Tim Hamann, Jim Kessler, Jerry Titus, Kellie Altruda. Happy Birthday!


Brooke Hamstra conducted:

   1st Reading:

  • none

   2nd Reading:

  • none

   3rd Reading:

  • none


  • Katie Wonderly, (Trina Hoy) Induction was performed by Joel Wihebrink


Optimist Singers

Committee Reports/Announcements:

  • Mason Metzger will be speaking to the General Assembly (Dave Wolkins)
  • Santa House was a success (Andy O’Connell) 
  • Chris Mahan Oratorical Contest, Feb 24 at Courthouse. 17 or younger as of October 1. “Difference Optimism can make in the world.”
  • Club thanked the ladies from Penguin Point

CEO Report:  

  • none

50/50: Kris Farwell and Joel Wihebrink won!

Sergeants-at-arms:  Jim Smith, Juergen Voss, and Travis McConnell entertained us.

Attendance: 96


  1. Thank You Guests & Members.
  2. Clean your tables.

Quote: none

Thanks and have an Optimist Week!