December 21, 2016
Upcoming Programs:
28-White Elephant Auction
Invocation by: Doug Ogle
Greeters: Doug Baumgardner, Doug Blatz
Members & Guests:
Katie Wonderly (Trina Hoy)
Jeff Servies (Judy Servies)
- Michael Casey (Dave Robertson)
- Randy Polston (Rachel Polston)
- Tim Hamann (Carol Hamann)
- Larry Bishop (Emily Bishop)
- Harry Gijous (Barbara Gijous)
- Mark Becker, (Mrs. Becker)
Check Presentation:
Tim Hamann, Jim Kessler, Jerry Titus, Kellie Altruda. Happy Birthday!
Brooke Hamstra conducted:
1st Reading:
2nd Reading:
3rd Reading:
Optimist Singers
Committee Reports/Announcements:
- Mason Metzger will be speaking to the General Assembly (Dave Wolkins)
- Santa House was a success (Andy O’Connell)
- Chris Mahan Oratorical Contest, Feb 24 at Courthouse. 17 or younger as of October 1. “Difference Optimism can make in the world.”
- Club thanked the ladies from Penguin Point
CEO Report:
50/50: Kris Farwell and Joel Wihebrink won!
Sergeants-at-arms: Jim Smith, Juergen Voss, and Travis McConnell entertained us.
Attendance: 96
- Thank You Guests & Members.
- Clean your tables.
Quote: none
Thanks and have an Optimist Week!