Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bob Jackson welcomes new members

Future Dates
9/11 Knights of Columbus fish fry
9/12 Art in the Park
9/12 Safe Assured @ Owens
9/14 Board Meeting
9/19 Safe Assured @ Center Lake
09/28 Legacy of Life Banquet
10/3 Our Awards Banq. @ CE Center
69 Optimists & 19 guests attended our meeting: Pat Gano guest of Pete Gano; Chad James guest of Scott Whitaker; Ted Engstrom guest of Lyle Enyeart; & 16 members of our volleyball team guests of Fred Nieter. Door Greeters: Fred Nieter & Jim Kessler. Prayer was offered by Fred Nieter. Pleadge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Honoree: Lauren Sciarra. Martin Becker led the volleyball team & us with great results.
Prayer List:
Bill Hilliard may get in a trial program in South Bend the end of August. It would be 3 days on & 3 weeks off. Daniel Elliott’s waiting to see which chemo pro-gram will be best. He is having some issues with muscle recovery in his arm. He is back to work part-time. Gene Groninger’s wife Maxine is in the hospital. They are waiting for test results.
Membership: Past President Bob Jackson inducted Mary Ann Gradeless & Greg Ummel. Bart Templeton read Tom Kline’s 2nd reading. Mary Ann is spon-sored by Mary Ellen Jordan. Greg is sponsored by Bill Landrigan. Tom is sponsored by Jon Lippe.
Dr. Jason Rich asked us to check our directory en-tries for out dated information. New members should have Trina Hoy take their picture.
Safe Assured ID: Trace Hansen announced enrol-ments at Owens on 9/12 from 10 to 2 & the Family Safety Day at Center Lake on 9/19 from 10 to 3. Lots of help is needed 9/19. There will be 3 machines. Please email Trace at to let him know you can help.
President Jim Reeve reminded all of a Board Meet-ing Monday, Sept 14 at 6:30pm.
Pres. Jim Reeve announced our awards banquet will be Oct 3rd at 6:30pm at the CE Center. A sign-up sheet is going around. Cost is $13 per person. Pen-guin Point will cater a delicious meal.
Please turn in your Attendance Make-Up activities to Don Kenipe.
Tracy Horrell announced Art in the Park will be Sep-tember 12th from 10am to 1pm in Center Lake Park. Sign up sheets are going around.
Tammy Keirn reminded us Housing Opportunities of Warsaw is raffling off a house. Tickets are $100. Proceeds will be used for housing repairs for local residents. Go to
Our Hootenanny is the best Scandinavian jokes. There will be a winner every week the rest of the month. Bring your best each week. This week Mary Ellen Jordan won over Merl Heckaman. The votes are $1 each. We raised $60.01 today.
Bill Landrigan invited all to the Legacy of Life Ban-quet at 6pm on Sept 28 at the Orthopedic Capital Center at Grace. Tickets are $20 per person.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Bob Jackson entertained us with a story of how his mother-in law ran into Dr. Steve ―Rade‖ Hollar in Florence Italy. Chris Wiggins is happy eating home cooked meals on his honey-moon. John Elliott has a granddaughter! Coach Jim Kessler complained the island shirt Denny Andrews sold him is too hot, since it is made from Alpaca fi-bers. Bill Landrigan is happy that this Friday night the Knights of Columbus have a fish fry.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Chris Metz – Army – Iraq
Mike Howard, coach of our Warsaw volleyball team. Introduced us to his team: Assistant Coach Jennifer Phillips, Madison Long, Alex Sanchez, Krista Bragg, Emily Umbaugh, Annie Holderman, Kayla Snider, Chloe Hubner, Sarah Shilling, Kaitlin Reichard, Brandi Ciriello, Lauren Sciarra, Corinne Coon, Kati Shull, & Andi Frazetta. Even though their record is 10 & 2 he commended them for their team-work on & off the court & their academic results.