Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Upcoming Programs:
8/31-Beloved, Not Forgotten/Dawnna Plummer
9/7-Polywood/Sharon Doan
9/14-WCHS Athletics/Dave Anson
9/21-Ghost Tours/Greg Steffe
President, Trace Hansen, called our meeting to order at @ 7:00am.
Invocation by: Dave Turner.
Greeters: Marv Miller.
99 Members & Guests:
- Scott Gingerich-guest of Jason Gergely.
- Jeanine Corson-guest of David Robertson.
Birthdays: Scott Whitaker, Mike Gavin, Bill Crane and Sam Whitaker. Happy Birthday!
Pam Galloway conducted:
- 1st Reading-Stu Wysong-who was sponsored by John Elliott.
- 3rd Reading-Jeanine Corson who was sponsored by David Robertson.
Ron Henry inducted:
- Jeanine Corson-who was sponsored by David Robertson.
Program: Mike Lewis from the National Weather Service presented this morning. Thank you for the information and for sharing your passion and enthusiasm with our group!
Committee Reports/Announcements:
- Trina Hoy will be taking new photos for the Directory.
- Optimist Directory is in the works, please REPLY to emails confirming information.
- Wear Red Optimist shirts in September on Wednesday mornings.
- District meeting was last weekend and it went really well.
- Trace Hansen is looking for feedback to send out in a survey to our membership. Please email him ideas ASAP!
- Safe Assured Safety Day is scheduled for September 10th.
- Bill Landrigan announced Right To Life banquet on September 19th.
- Marty Becker announced the next two Saturdays there will be musical performances at the Village at Winona.
Check Presentation: None this week.
Sheriff Report:
Deputy Gigous gave a report this morning.
CEO Report: None today.
50/50: Dave Benning is this mornings winner!
Sergeants-at-arms: Joel, Tim and Robert entertained us.
- Next Week: Beloved, Not Forgotten/Dawnna Plummer.
- Thank You Guests & Speaker.
- Clean your tables.
Quote: “You either get bitter or you get better. It’s that simple. You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate, it belongs to you.” -Josh Shipp.
Thanks and have an Optimist Week!