Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Upcoming Programs:
8/24-National Weather Service/Mike Lewis
8/31-Beloved, Not Forgotten/Dawnna Plummer
9/7-Polywood/Sharon Doan
9/14-WCHS Athletics/Dave Anson
9/21-Ghost Tours/Greg Steffe
President, Trace Hansen, called our meeting to order at @ 7:00am.
Invocation by: Jim Smith.
Greeters: Jo Faulkner & Michele Bickel.
105 Members & Guests:
- Melvin Foster-guest of Kris Farwell.
- Stu Wysong-guest of John Elliott.
- Jeanine Corson-guest of David Robertson.
Birthdays: Brian Brauchla, Jon Fussle, Eric Lane, and Matt Deeds. Happy Birthday!
Pam Galloway conducted:
- 1st Reading-Stu Wysong-who was sponsored by John Elliott.
- 3rd Reading-Jeanine Corson who was sponsored by David Robertson.
Program: Dr. Nate Bosch from Lakes & Streams presented this morning. Thank you for the information and for sharing your passion with our group!
Committee Reports/Announcements:
- We need help with the Optimist Directory, please contact Jim Hayes if you can help. Also contact him if any of your contact information has changed.
- Trina Hoy will be taking new photos for the Directory.
- Optimist Directory is in the works, please contact Jason Rich regarding your contact information or advertising opportunities.
- Randy Polston thanked the members who were able to help with the “Back To The Days” event, $12,000 has been raised.
- Ray Wolf letter.
Check Presentation:
Jennifer Lucht gave Randy Polston a check in the amount of $500 for “Back to the Days” event help on September 30th.
Sheriff Report:
Deputy Gigous gave a report this morning.
CEO Report:
Jennifer Kerns introduced Alan Lucht as our CEO this morning! Thank you for your continued commitment to our club and community!!!
Sergeants-at-arms: They entertained us.
- Next Week: National Weather Service/Mike Lewis
- Thank You Guests & Speaker.
- Clean your tables.
Quote: “You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.” -Michael Phelps.
Thanks and have an Optimist Week!