Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Upcoming Programs:


6/1-Stellar Communities/Craig Allebach & Mayor Thallemer

6/8-Avionics Class/WCHS Eric Coburn

6/15-Warsaw Rugby Club/Trevor Cracknel & Mark Maruso

6/22-Triathlon Bags

6/29-Working on…


7/6-Winona Lake Town Happenings/Craig Alebach

7/13-Working on…

7/20-Tech Endowment Fund-Eric Sorensen

7/27-Scholastic/Randee Salisbury


Call To Order @ 7:00am.

Invocation by:  Jo Faulkner.

Greeters:      Fred Nieter & George Brennan.

93 Members & Guests:       

  1. Janet Kirkpatrick-guest and wife of John Kirkpatrick.
  2. Judi Servies-guest and wife of Jeffrey Servies.
  3. Bryce Goff-guest of Randy Polston.
  4. Jeanine Corson-guest of David Robertson.
  5. Dave Creighton-guest of Doc Haines.
  6. Brandon Penrod-guest of John Elliott.
  7. Clelda Benning-guest and wife of David Benning/Ann Sweet announced.

Birthdays:  Andy Swihart and Bill Landrigan is celebrating his 80th birthday!  Happy Birthday!


Pam Galloway conducted:

2nd Reading—Paul Helstern-sponsored by Brian Brauchla.

Program: Our very own Optimist Singers performed a Memorial Day Tribute this morning!  What an amazing job they did!!!  Great job!!!

Committee Reports:

Jenny and Alan Lucht-Car Show RECAP & THANKS!  $13,909 raised this year.  Great job EVERYONE!

Everett Nifong-Golf Outing announced they need T-Sponsors and volunteers. 


None this morning.

Sheriffs Report:  None this morning.

CEO Report:  None this week.

50/50: Charlie Hollar won this morning!  


Joel Wihebrink and Robert Bishop entertained us this morning.


  1. Next Week:  Stellar Communities/Craig Alebach & Joe Thallemer.
  2. Thank You Guests & Speaker.
  3. Clean your tables, have an optimistic week.

Quote: “Fear is not real, it is a product of thoughts you create.  Do not misunderstand me, danger is very real.  But fear is a choice.”   -Unknown.

Thanks and have an Optimist Week!  Have a safe and fun Memorial Day Weekend too!