2015 Oratorical Contest Results

The Warsaw Breakfast Optimist Club has successfully completed the 2015 Oratorical Contest. This contest is the oldest ongoing program offered by Optimist International. The local club has enjoyed tremendous success with participation thanks in large part to some very special Corporate partners and community leaders who drive the importance of speaking your mind in a constructive manor.
This community is blessed with companies like Zimmer, Lake City Bank, The Ester Pfleiderer Trust, and Kosciusko County Government who have chosen to invest in the youth of the community.
Special thanks to Richard Rooker who shares his passion for speech with everyone he know.
Congratulations to all of the contestants who performed wonderfully and the best of luck to our winners Daniel Messinger and Gianna Hochstettler as they compete at the next level of this year’s contest.

2015 Optimist Oratorical Contest was held Friday March 6th, 2015 in the historic Kosciusko County Courthouse as part of the First Friday activities. Contestants spoke to the theme “How My Optimism Will Help Me Press On To ‘Greater Achievements of the Future” ” 1st place winners were Daniel Messenger (l) and Gianna Hochstetler (r). Daniel and Gianna will represent the Club in the Regional round held here in Warsaw, March 22nd.